Ind icates an im m inently hazard ous situation w hich, if not avoid ed ,
w ill result in d eath or serious injury.
Ind icates a p otentially hazard ous situation, w hich if not avoid ed ,
could result in d eath or serious injury.
Ind icates a p otentially hazard ous situation w hich, if not avoid ed , m ay
result in m inor or m od erate injury or p rop erty d am ag e.
This is the safety alert sym b ol. This sym b ol alerts you to p otential hazard s
that can hurt you and others. All safety m essag es w ill follow the safety
alert sym b ol and either the w ord “DANGER” or “WARNING”.
These instructions have b een w ritten as a g uid e for the p rop er installation and op eration of
your w ater heater. A. O. Sm ith w ill not accep t any liab ility w here these instructions have
not b een follow ed . How ever, for your safety and to avoid d am ag e caused b y im p rop er
installation, it is recom m end ed that w ater heater m ust b e installed b y a Qualified Service
Before p roceed ing w ith the installation instructions:
Insp ect the w ater heater and its com p onent p arts for p ossib le d am ag e. Do Not
install or attem p t to rep air any d am ag ed com p onent p arts. If you d etect any
d am ag e in the w ater heater, p lease contact the d ealer w here the w ater heater
w as p urchased or call A. O. Sm ith Custom er care.
Verify that the voltag e b eing sup p lied corresp ond s to that w hich is m arked
on the w ater heater m anual.
DO NOT use this w ater heater if any p art has b een und er w ater. Im m ed iately contact a
Qualified Service Technician to insp ect the w ater heater and contact A. O. Sm ith Service
p ersonnel to rep lace any p art of the control system w hich has b een und er w ater. Failure to
follow this instruction can result in p rop erty d am ag e, serious injury or d eath.
Your safety and the safety of your loved ones is p aram ount. There are several safety related
m essag es in this m anual, w hich have b een p rovid ed d uring various step s such as the
installation, op eration and m aintenance of your HSE-VAS w ater heater. These m essag es
p oint out p otential hazard s and also ed ucate on how to red uce any p otential risks. Please
alw ays read and follow all safety m essag es as p rovid ed in this user m anual.
Содержание HSE-VAS015
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