General Terms of Warranty
1. The “g ood s” shall m ean the g ood s d escrib ed in the p urchase ag reem ent.
2. “The custom er” shall m ean the orig inal p urchaser und er the p urchase ag reem ent.
3. “The Com p any” shall m ean A. O. Sm ith Ind ia Water Prod ucts Private Lim ited .
4. The “Purchase Ag reem ent” shall m ean the General Term s and Cond itions of Sale ag reed
up on b y the custom er and the Com p any as p rinted on the Invoice.
5. “Invoice” shall m ean the Invoice issued for the Unit b y the Com p any or Authorised
Dealer to the custom er d escrib ing the g ood s and ind icating , inter alia, the total
p urchase p rice thereof, the nam e of the custom er and the p lace w here the g ood s are to
b e installed .
6. “User Guid e” shall m ean the instructions for installation leaflet p ub lished b y the
Com p any and d elivered to the custom er.
Follow any one for reg istration of the Extend ed Warranty
Customer Care No. 1800-103-2468/1860-500-2468.
w w
Post Warranty
1. The custom er m ay b e offered a yearly Service Contract at the p revailing Com p any rates
and term s.
2. In case the custom er d oes not w ish to enter the Service Contract, he has an op tion to
call our Custom er Care Centre and g et A. O. Sm ith w ater heater unit serviced on actual
b asis i.e. b y p aying the Lab our Cost and Sp ares need ed to attend to that Service or
Com p laint Call at the p revailing Com p any rates. Such service w ill b e rend ered b y the
Com p any in tow ns or p laces w here the Com p any has its Authorised service p rovid ers.
3. In case of p rod uct rep air after w arranty b y Authorised service p rovid er, all exp enses of
transp orting the g ood s to and from the Authorised service p rovid er shall b e b orne b y the
custom er d irectly.
4. If, d uring such service, it is necessary for the Com p any or Authorised service p rovid er to
rep lace or rep air d efective com p onents or p arts, the custom er shall b e req uired to p ay
for the sam e as p er the Com p any's p revailing p rice list.
1. Different m od els has d ifferent service d elivery levels.
2. Service level m entioned for p articular m od els are ap p licab le for Metros and A Class Cities
e.g . Delhi and NCR, Beng aluru, Hyd erab ad , Kolkata, Pune, Goa, Cochin, Chennai,
Chand ig arh and Ahm ed ab ad .
3. Service level d eliverab les are valid up to city m unicip al lim it only.
4. Service level m ay d iffer in case of p ub lic holid ays and unavoid ab le cond itions d ue to
natural clim ate, any p olitical and reg ional reg ulations.
5. Pow er of 1 valid service is ap p licab le for calls reg istered at A. O. Sm ith call centre b efore
4 p .m . only.
The courts of com p etent jurisd iction at Beng aluru, Karnataka shall have exclusive jurisd iction
over all m atters arising out of any d isp utes in relation to the p rod uct.
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