Your A. O. Sm ith w ater heater is w arranted ag ainst d efects arising
from faulty d esig n, w orkm anship and m aterials for a p eriod of 24
m onths from the d ate of the invoice, sub ject to the follow ing
cond itions:
1. The custom er w ill notify the Com p any p rom p tly ab out d efects
noticed and g ive the Com p any or its Authorised service p rovid er
ad eq uate op p ortunity to insp ect, test and rem ed y them , for
w hich the custom er w ill d ep osit the g ood s, if necessary, w ith the
Com p any's Office / Authorised service p rovid er along w ith the
orig inal invoice.
2. Sp ecial w arranty from the d ate of p urchase is sub ject to the
follow ing cond itions:
Heating Elem ent - 2 + Up to 2 Years Extend ed Warranty*
the p arts
- 2 Years
3. Insp ection and Test Rep ort of the Com p any's Office / Authorised
service p rovid er w ill b e treated as final & b ind ing und er the
w arranty for d eterm ining the d efects, rep airs / alterations
req uired or carried out, or certifying w orking of the g ood s
4. The Com p any or its Authorised service p rovid er w ill b e entitled to
retain any d efective p art rep laced und er the w arranty.
5. The Com p any's liab ility und er the w arranty w ill b e lim ited only to
d efects w hich occur und er cond itions of p rop er installation,
norm al op eration and und er p rop er use. It exclud es d efects
occurring b ecause of ab use, faulty care or m aintenance and
rep airs / alterations to p rod uct or the p arts b y unauthorised
p erson.
6. The w ater heater should not b e op erated w ithout w ater insid e
the tank. This w ill m ake the w arranty null and void .
7. In case of d ry heating (w ater heater op erated w ithout w ater
insid e the tank), if the w ater heater or any com p onent of the w ater heater is d am ag ed , then it
w ill b e rep aired / chang ed on a charg eab le b asis. After any rep air or p art rep lacem ent in the
w ater heater, the b asic w arranty continues as p er the actual d ate of p urchase.
8. The custom er w ill have no claim und er this w arranty in resp ect of any p ersonal injury, d am ag e
of p rop erty or conseq uential d am ag es, or for utilisation of the g ood s not in accord ance w ith
the user g uid e.
9. The inner tank and Heating elem ent need to b e cleaned for any d ep osits / scales p eriod ically
from an Authorised service technician. This w ill ensure your w ater heater w orks efficiently for
long er tim e.
10. Anod e is not includ ed und er w arranty, the service life of the Anod e is d eterm ined b y the
q uality and q uantity of the w ater flow ing throug h. If the Anod e is consum ed , it need s to b e
rep laced b y an Authorised service technician for efficient p rotection of the w ater heater. The
w arranty on the tank w ill b e null and void ,
11. Warranty d oes not cover:
occurring d ue to site cond itions like electrical w orks and
p lum b ing
w orks.
suround ing s d ue to non usag e of Multi Function Safety Valve,
Pressure Red ucing Valve or non recom m end ed red ucing valve in p lum b ing lines.
unauthorised service technician.
on tank
Up to
Product Warranty
* Reg ister your p rod uct w ith
the A. O. Sm ith Custom er
Care Centre [1800-103-2468
/1860-500-2468.] w ithin 60
d ays of p urchase and you
w ill g et an extend ed
w arranty on the heating
elem ent.
** 2 years extend ed
w arranty ap p licab le only for
35 & 50 Ltrs. 1 year extend ed
w arranty ap p licab le for
15 & 25 Ltrs.
Содержание HSE-VAS015
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