Figure 13
Connect one end of the d ischarg e tub e to
the Multi-function Safety valve and
connect the other end to the d rain.
To Drain
Blue Cap
Safety Valve
Discharg e Tub e
The Multi-function Safety valve m ay d rip d uring the usag e of the heater. As the w ater
is heated , it exp and s and tries to flow b ack throug h the inlet p ip e b ut is p revented b y
the p resence of the non-return valve. Hence w ater m ay d rip from the Multi-function
Safety valve. Therefore a Discharg e tub e is g iven from the valve tip to a nearb y d rain.
To avoid d rip p ing , it is recom m end ed to install non-return valve at a d istance of
atleast 40 feet aw ay from the inlet of the w ater heater.
p revent it from d rip p ing or releasing the excess p ressure insid e the heater. Failure to d o
so m ay result in d am ag e to the w ater heater and injuries to the user. This w ill also
m ake the w arranty null and void .
Ensure that the free end of the Discharg e tub e is p laced over a suitab le d rain and aw ay
from the users.
Multi-function Safety valve) in case excessive p ressure is d evelop ed . The contents of the
d ischarg e from the Multi-function Safety valve m ay b e hot and m ay cause b urns to the
users and d am ag e nearb y ob jects if not p rop erly routed to a d rain.
a reg ular b asis to ensure that there are no b lockag es and also to rem ove any lim e
d ep osits that w ould have b een form ed insid e the w ater heater.
b eing op erated . Ensure that the w ater is filled com p letely in the w ater heater b efore
sw itching it ON.
Содержание HSE-VAS015
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