And w elcom e to the A. O. Sm ith fam ily.
We w ould like to thank you for the trust you have show n in choosing an A. O. Sm ith w ater
heater. You can b e sure it w ill live up to your exp ectations. Thousand s of d elig hted users all
over the w orld trust A. O. Sm ith w ater heaters for their fam ilies. This user g uid e w ill introd uce
you to your w ater heater. Follow the instructions carefully and look forw ard to enjoying long
years of troub le-free service.
A. O. Sm ith is a com p any know n for its innovative technolog ies and energ y-efficient solutions.
Ours are the only w ater heaters w ith the Blue Diam ond
Glass Lining for the inner tank. This
cutting ed g e technolog y p revents sed im ent and scaling , fig hts corrosion and extend s the life
of your w ater heater.
Our custom er-centric ap p roach m anifests itself in m any other w ays too. If you need any
inform ation or assistance w ith your w ater heater, just call us from any p hone, anyw here in the
country to our
Customer Care No. 1800-103-2468/1860-500-2468.
Factory Ad d ress:
A. O. Sm ith Ind ia Water Prod ucts Private Lim ited
(formerly know n as A. O. Smith India Water Heating Private Limited)
Plot 300, Phase - II, KIADB Ind ustrial Area, Harohalli, Kanakap ura Taluk,
Ram anag ara District, Karnataka – 562 112, Ind ia.
CIN: U31909KA2006PTC040282
A. O. Sm ith Ind ia Water Prod ucts Private Lim ited w as estab lished in 2006. Since then, the
A. O. Sm ith team has cond ucted num erous focus g roup stud ies and sp ent end less research
hours d eterm ining w hat Ind ia w anted in a w ater heater. Backed b y 75 years of p roven
technolog ical ad vances, A. O. Sm ith Ind ia has created a stylish d esig n w ith features d em and ed
b y the Ind ian consum er.
The A. O. Sm ith p lant w ith m anufacturing facilities sp read over 76,000 sq . ft. is located on
20 acres, just outsid e Beng aluru, in the KIADB Ind ustrial Area, Harohalli. The Ind ia op erations
is the 16th A. O. Sm ith m anufacturing facility w orld w id e. In 2013, ad d itional 150,000 sq . ft.
w as ad d ed in Beng aluru factory. A. O. Sm ith's Ind ia p lant has extensive eng ineering and
technical resources and has the latest technolog ies incorp orated . A. O. Sm ith is the first
m anufacturer to invest in and p rod uce g lass lined w ater heaters in Ind ia.
Tod ay, A. O. Sm ith Corp oration is one of the larg est w ater heater m anufacturers in the w orld
and is a g lob al lead er in innovative technolog y and energ y efficient solutions.
About A. O. Smith
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