298 | Managing the Radio
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
The Search button brings up a search form.
The first row of the table in the pop up window is the search filter.
There are two types of filters:
1. Drop down lists with a finite set of options to select from
2. Text entry where any text can be entered.
When the filters are applied, the rows in the rest of the table are displayed only if they match all the filters.
Example 1 -
one filter; select ‘remote’ in the ‘Op Mode’ filter with the other drop down list set to ‘All’ and
the text entry filters blank, will show all the remote radios
Example 2 -
two filters; type ‘98’ in the MAC Addr filter and select ‘Bridge’ for the ‘Eth Mode’ filter.
Entries in the network table can be grouped based on the Segment IDs. The user can expand the groups with
the and collapse the groups with the button to help locate an entry.
Clicking on a column header of the table will sort the table by that column.
The Select button closes the popup, updates the selection on the Network Table and saves the search/filter
parameters which are reused the next time the search is initiated in the same SuperVisor session.
The Close button closes the Search popup.
The Expand button expands the group of the selected entry and the Expand All button expands all groups.
The Collapse button collapses the group of the selected entry and the Collapse All button collapses all
The Reset button removes all filtering and expands all groups.