Managing the Radio | 109
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
Date and Time
This sets the radio Date and Time. Clicking the Date and Time field brings up a pop-up to enter the date
and time.
The ‘Set from Browser’ button sets the date and time directly from the browser date and time.
If the Set from Browser button is used and the offset for the browser and the radio are different, then
SuperVisor will adjust the time displayed in the text box to be the local time for the radio e.g. clicking 5pm
in Sydney (+10:00) will put 3 pm in the text box for a Perth based radio (+08:00).
Auto Synchronization Period (s)
This parameter sets the number of seconds between the end of the last SNTP server synchronization and
the next SNTP server synchronization attempt. The minimum period is 60 seconds. A period of 0 seconds
will disable SNTP server synchronization attempts.
The base station sends a broadcast message to the remote radios to synchronize the radio date and time at
a rate controlled by the Announcement Period (see page 243).
Time Server 1 Address
This parameter sets the IP address of the first priority SNTP server. If the synchronization is successful to
this server, Time Server 2 Address will not be used.
Time Server 2 Address
This parameter sets the IP address of the second priority SNTP server. If the synchronization fails using the
SNTP server on Time Server 1 Address, synchronization will be attempted to the SNTP server on this address.
Synchronization Status
This field shows the status of the current synchronization or the result of the last synchronization.
Synchronize Now
This Synchronize Now button provides manual Synchronization.