208 | Managing the Radio
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
c:\usr\bin>snmpusm -v 3 -u desUserMD5 -n priv -l authPriv -a MD5 -A desUserMD5 -x DES -X desUserMD5
-Cx passwd desUserMD5 desUserMD5New
Changing the desUserMD5 user authentication key / password from desUserMD5 to desUserMD5New:
c:\usr\bin>snmpusm -v 3 -u desUserMD5 -n priv -l authPriv -a MD5 -A desUserMD5 -x DES -X
desUserMD5New -Ca passwd desUserMD5 desUserMD5New
Changing the authUserSHA user authentication key / password from authUserSHA to authUserSHANew:
c:\usr\bin>snmpusm -v 3 -u authUserSHA -n auth -l authNoPriv -a SHA -A authUserSHA -Ca
passwd authUserSHA authUserSHANew
Changing the authUserMD5 user authentication key / password from authUserMD5 to authUserMD5New:
c:\usr\bin>snmpusm -v 3 -u authUserMD5 -n auth -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A authUserMD5 -Ca
passwd authUserMD5 authUserMD5New
-Cx option is to change the Encryption key/password
-Ca option is to change the Authentication key/password
Other information on this utility can be obtained from the utility command help itself or online
It is necessary to record the new passphrases loaded into the Aprisa SRi radios and then load the passphrases
into the SNMP manager. There is a separate passphrase for the two supported forms of authentication (MD5
and SHA1) only as well as the two forms of authentication used in combination the two forms of encryption
(DES and AES). It is vital to change all passphrases even if the depreciated mechanism are not used (MD5
and DES) otherwise an attacker could still use the default passphrases.