Managing the Radio | 135
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
Serial data port variable parameters
Two key serial port parameters will be adjusted during optimization. The following initial values have been
determined as a suitable for the SEL 2505 device which is the fastest device 4RF has lab tested. It is a
suitable start point to carry out optimization for other devices.
Inter-Frame Gap
initially set to 0.2
IFG is dependent on serial line baud rate only
The Mirrored Bits® protocol is essentially timed to a base clock, the slower the baud rate the longer
the period to transmit a packet resulting in less time between packets
A low baud rate is ideal as it increase the time period before a ROK error will occur as this is
dependent on serial packet transmission time
The minimum baud rate currently proven to provide reliable communications is 9600 bit, with this
rate an IFG of 0.2 is required to be used
With the 2505 device the IFG increases with increases in serial baud rate, while easier to detect
gaps the ROK error period is reduced
initially set to 32 bytes
Dependent on serial line baud rate, channel size, modulation, security settings, intended traffic mix
and all other settings that influence OTA speed and capacity available for external traffic
MTU affects latency, if a
large MTU then the radio will ‘wait’
for the number of bytes before sending
the packet OTA
Ideally a low MTU will be used
the minimum needs to support the various settings above and
intended mix of traffic
MTU can be changed in steps of +/- 8 when trying different configurations
Refer table in section 5 for start point of MTU based on channel size, modulation and serial baud
rate, this assumes the general radio settings as above
Increase by 8 for new devices or in attempt to support some Ethernet or other services