About the Radio | 53
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
Ethernet Data and Management Priority and Background Bulk Data Transfer Rate
Alternatively, to VLAN priority, users can control the Ethernet traffic priority (vs serial), management
priority and rate in order to control the traffic load of the radio network, where important and high priority
data (SCADA) will pass-through first assuring SCADA network operation. The user can set the use of the
Ethernet Data Priority, which controls the priority of the Ethernet customer traffic relative to the serial
customer traffic and can be set to one of the four queues. The Ethernet Management Priority controls the
priority of the Ethernet management traffic relative to Ethernet customer traffic and can be set to one of
the four queues. The Background Bulk Data Transfer Rate sets the data transfer rate (high, medium, low)
for large amounts of management data.
Ethernet Packet Time to Live
Another aspect of avoiding overload radio network is the Ethernet packet TTL, which is used to prevent old,
redundant packets being transmitted through the radio network. This sets the time an Ethernet packet is
allowed to live in the system before being dropped if it cannot be transmitted over the air.
Payload Compression
Aprisa SRi supports payload compression. A Lempel
Ziv (LZ) algorithm is used to efficiently compress up to
50% traffic with high percentage of repetitive strings. Both serial and Ethernet / IP payload traffic are