154 | Managing the Radio
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
If double tagging is enabled on the port, incoming frames should always be double tagged.
If the incoming frame is untagged, then the PVID (port VLAN ID) is used and forwarded with the Port
Ingress priority provided the PVID is configured in the Port VLAN Membership of any of the Ethernet
ports. If not, the frames are dropped.
If the incoming frame is single tagged, then PVID is used and forwarded with the Port Ingress priority
provided the PVID is configured in the Port VLAN Membership of any of the Ethernet ports. If not the
frames are dropped.
If double tagging is disabled on the port, incoming frames should always be single tagged, untagged or
tagged frames.
Double tagged frames are simply forwarded treating them as if they were single tagged frames. At the egress
of the Ethernet port, such frames are forwarded only if the S-VLAN ID of that frame is a member of the Port
VLAN Membership.
This parameter sets the frame VLAN ID when the ingress frame is untagged (e.g. when in 'port VLAN
membership' the 'egress action' is set to 'untagged and forward') or priority-tagged (VLAN=0). The value can
be between 1 and 4094. The default is 1.
The Port VLAN Membership must contain the PVID. If the Port VLAN Membership does not contain the
PVID, untagged or priority-tagged frames will be discarded.
To Port
This parameter when set copies the port VLAN Membership settings to the other ports.
This parameter sets the VLAN ID of the port for a maximum 64 active VLANs. The value can be between 1
and 4094. The default is 1.
VLAN Description
This parameter is a freeform field used to identify the VLAN. It can be up to a maximum of 32 characters.