38 | About the Radio
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
The following functions supported in AGRM / ARM is the differences between Advanced Router Mode options
(AGRM / ARM) and standard Router Mode options Gateway Router Mode (GRM) / Router Mode (RM), such as
AGRM vs GRM and/or ARM vs RM:
The radio interface IP Address (RF IP Address) is associated with Ethernet MAC Address so it can be
addressed like any other Ethernet Interface. The radio interface IP address will ARP respond to ARP
request with his MAC address.
The radio interface IP address can be used for radio management functions such as SNMP, ICMP and
External routers can use radio interface IP address as next hop / default gateway.
The radio Interface IP address can be used as the ‘Local IP Address’ in terminal server.
Auto assignment of radio interface IP address is done in a routed network of Router Mode (RM) and
Gateway Router Mode (GRM) but not in AGRM / ARM. In AGRM / ARM the radio interface IP address
is manually configured.
Changes to the radio Interface IP address will be included in the remote registration or re-
registration with base station, respectively.
AGRM / ARM allows a mix with Bridge mode, so a AGRM / ARM-Bridge or Bridge-AGRM / ARM or a
Bridge-Mix [AGRM / ARM and Bridge] network can be created. A network configuration warning alarm
will be raised on base station if this condition is not met.
The ARP table will report a radio interface IP address if any address is learned on this interface.