Managing the Radio | 143
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
MTU Size (bytes)
This parameter sets the size of the packet in bytes received before it is transmitted if an inter-frame gap is
not detected. Setting a smaller MTU may reduce latency, but this should only be done with streaming mode
or else if serial protocol is known to allow gaps at the receiver. The default setting is 512 bytes.
Baud Rate (bit/s)
This parameter sets the baud rate to 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200 bit/s.
The default setting is 9600 bit/s.
Character Length (bits)
This parameter sets the character length to 7 or 8 bits. The default setting is 8 bits.
This parameter sets the parity to Even, Odd or None. The default setting is None.
Stop Bits (bits)
This parameter sets the number of stop bits to 1 or 2 bits. The default setting is 1 bit.
Flow Control
This parameter sets the flow control of the serial port. The default setting is Disabled.
The Aprisa SRi radio port (DCE) CTS is in a permanent ON (+ve)
CTS / RTS hardware flow control between the DTE and the Aprisa
SRi radio port (DCE) is enabled.
If the Aprisa SRi buffer is full the CTS goes OFF, otherwise CTS is
CTS Keying is needed when working with devices that require to be
keyed before sending data;
Driving legacy modems that use the CTS signal as a key-up
Driving RS485 serial links, where the CTS signal is used as a Tx
CTS Delay ms
In CTS-Keying mode, this parameter sets the period the between the CTS being set and data being
transmitted. The default setting is 0 ms.
CTS Hold Duration ms
In CTS-Keying mode, this parameter sets the the period the between the end of the data and CTS being
cleared. The default setting is 0 ms.