F. Parameters and Graphing
Model AQSync Air Quality Monitoring Station Manual Rev. A-1
: From the graphing screen, use the gray pulldown to choose a measured
species (left screen below). Then e
nter the “Select” screen and from the “Variables”
pulldown, choose the quantity to be plotted (right screen below).
For each measured species, the measurement itself as well as other variables
associated with that measurement can be plotted. For example, if “Ozone” is selected,
Ozone, Cell Temperature, Cell Pressure, and/or Photodiode Voltage may be chosen.
The default colors of the plotted data also can be changed. Be sure to check the box
“Show on graph” and then select “Apply” for each variable you want to display (left
screen below). When you
“Close” and return to the main graphing screen, select
“Ozone” from the dropdown menu to display what you have selected (right screen
below). Multiple variables can be selected to appear on the graph simultaneously. In
the example below, both Ozone and Cell Temperature have been selected.
select any of the variables by unchecking the “Show on graph” box.
Note that if the VOCs module is a part of the AQSync, its display is selectable from the
Ozone screen.
You can set up any number of measured species to plot (NO
, ozone, CO
, etc.) using
their respective Select screens such as on the left screen above, and then switch
between them from the display screen on the right using the gray pulldown menu.