Erro! Estilo não definido.
Erro! Estilo não definido.
2. Control the operation of various line interface boards. CPU is connected via an
HDLC control channel with line interface board to control all ports in the
3. Extract the running information of various line interface boards;
4. Implement the NM functions of the system.
To save the costs of the whole system and meet users’ requirements, uplink subboards
can be added to the SCBF. The function of such a subboard is to provide data switching
between inband data and uplink interfaces by means of a switching matrix. A subboard
is connected to the SCBF via the G.Link bus and subboard control signals to complete
uplink functions. The subboard is equivalent to a line interface board, which provides
the subboard type and board-in-position signals to guarantee the structural consistency
with respect to software.
According to different uplink subboards configured on the SCBF, the SCBF is
categorized as the SCBFA (without any uplink subboard), SCBFB (with an Ethernet
uplink subboard FEC), and SCBFC (with an enhanced Ethernet subboard FNC). Operating Principles of SCBF
The operating principles of SCBF are shown in Fig. 4.2-1.
HDLC controller
Ethernet processor
G. Link bus
HDLC channel
Fig. 4.2-1 Operating Principles of SCBF
SCBF consists of the CPU module, HDLC controller, and Ethernet processor, and
various modules implement the following functions: