Erro! Estilo não definido.
Erro! Estilo não definido.
3.2.2 VTIEF
A VTIEF provides 24 VDSL subscriber interfaces, with the maximum transmission
distance of 1 km. Its indices include:
1. Height of VTIEF: 9U.
2. Each VDSL line provides 10 Mbps bi-directional transmission rate over 0.4 mm
line width within 1 km transmission distance.
3. The uplink and downlink rate over VDSL lines can be adjusted depending on
line status. The rate is adjusted within the range: Uplink 1.5 M to 16.7 M,
downlink 6 M to 16.7 M by grades.
5. Transmission delay of IP packet: <10 ms (normal traffic).
6. Maximum frame delay: < 10 ms; minimum frame delay: < 1 ms.
7. IP packet loss rate: <10
8. IP packet error rate: <10
9. Power consumption of VTIEF: Around 40 W.
3.2.3 ATIGN
An ATIGN provides 32 ADSL subscriber interfaces, with the maximum transmission
distance of 5 km. The rate can be modified by selecting different QAM modes within
the range of 1 M to 8 M. Its indices include:
1. Height of ATIGN: 9U.
2. Transmission delay of IP packet: <10ms (normal traffic)
3. Maximum frame delay: < 10ms; minimum frame delay: < 1 ms.
4. IP packet loss rate: <10
5. IP packet error rate: <10
6. Power consumption of ATIGN: Around 50 W.