Z-Edge 64 Configuration Guide
This chapter covers basic configuration of the Z-Edge 64:
Configuration overview, page 33
Configuring an Ethernet interface, page 35
Configuring static routes, page 37
Configuring RIP on the WAN interface, page 39
Configuration overview
The Z-Edge 64 uses the shelf-slot-port-subport/type syntax to identify system
interfaces. The Z-Edge 64 is always 1 for the shelf and slot values and 0 for
the subport value. The type is based on the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority interface type (IANAiftype) definitions.
When configuring the Z-Edge 64 using the command line
interface (CLI), enter all text strings in lower case. The CLI is case
Interface types (iftype)
Interfaces on the Z-Edge 64 use Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
interface type (IANAifType) definitions to indicate the type of physical
interface which a virtual connection is bound.
The following are some common iftypes you might need to configure your
unit. You can enter either the name or the number of the iftype:
ethernetcsmacd (6): Ethernet
hdsl2 (168): HDSL2 and SDSL
ip (126): Internet Protocol
isdns (63): ISDN S/T
isdnu (76): ISDN U
voiceFXO (101): Foreign Exchange Office
voiceFXS (102): Foreign Exchange Subscriber