Square TMD-Display
Technical Support:
Light dimmer.
[Climate] Fan.
Apart from the button function itself, the integrator can select the desired behaviour of
the button
. The different
illumination modes
have been detailed in ANNEX I:
LED Illumination Modes.
The next sections explain the configuration involved for each of the above functions.
Figure 22
Buttons - Configuration.
As stated in section 2.1, an independent tab for the parameterisation of the buttons is
shown in ETS by default, initially containing only a sub-tab named Configuration.
One drop-down list with the following options is shown per button (1 to 5).
Disabled. See section 2.3.2.
Pair A and Pair B. Sets that this touch button will belong to a two-button
control (either A or B). Once one pair has been assigned to two buttons (and
not before), a new tab (“
Pair A
” or “
Pair B
”) will show up in the tab tree, in
order to configure the desired functionality. See section 2.3.3.
Individual. Selecting this option brings a new tab (“
Button Ix
”, where “x”
depends on the button), which will make it possible to configure the
functionality of that particular touch button. See section 2.3.4.