background image



  After  pressing  START/STOP  it  is  possible  to 

switch the sound off. To do this press COLOR, 

you will see “OFF” in the display window which 

indicates  that  the  sound  was  switched  off. 

If you press COLOR again, you will see „ON” 

in the display window and hear a sound signal 

twice  which  indicates  that  the  sound  was 

switched on.


If  there  is  a  brief  power  cut  of  up  to  approximately  five 

minutes  the  program  position  is  stored  and  the  machine 

can  continue  from  this  position  when  power  is  restored. 

This is possible only if the program was stopped before the 

kneading  phase  was  reached.  Otherwise  you  will  have  to 

start from the beginning.


If the temperature of the appliance is still too high to start 

a  new  program  after  using  the  appliance  previously,  the 

symbol E 01 will appear on the display after you press the 

START  button  again,  you  will  also  hear  a  beep.  In  such 

a  case,  press  and  hold  the  START/STOP  button  until  the 

E  01  symbol  disappears  from  the  display  and  the  basic 

setting appears on the display. Remove the baking tin and 

wait for the appliance to cool. The BAKE program can be 

started immediately even if the appliance is still hot.

Operating instructions


 Insert the baking tin.

The  baking  tin  is  covered  with  a  non-stick  layer.  Place 

the baking tin exactly in the middle of the base inside the 

appliance. Lightly press the middle of the baking tin to fix the 

device locks into place. To remove the baking tin pull with 

medium force on its carrying handle.



The handle is hot after baking. Use pot holders.


 Insert the kneading peg.

Insert the kneading peg by placing the shank of the baking 

tin in the opening of the kneading peg.


 Put the ingredients.

The  ingredients  must  be  put  into  the  baking  tin  the  order 

specified in the relevant recipe. Examples of recipes can be 

found in this instruction manual.


 Plug in the appliance.


 Select the desired program using the MENU button.

The MENU button is used to select the programs described below.



For white, wheat and rye bread. This is the most commonly 

used program.



For the preparation of a particularly light white bread.



For whole meal bread.




For preparing e.g. sweet leavened dough.



For kneading and baking bread loafs up to 700 g.



For kneading and baking bread loafs up to 900 g.



For a fast preparation of white, wheat and rye bread.



For preparing brown bread etc.



For the preparation of dough.



For the preparation of bagel dough.



For the preparation of marmalades and jams.



To brown bread or cakes.


 Select the weight appropriate for the given program.

LOAF  button 

is  used  to  set  the  weight  of  the  bread  (see 



= for small bread up to 500 g


= for medium bread up to 700 g


= for large bread up to 900 g


 Select the desired browning level.

The COLOR button is used to set the desired browning level. 



 Set the time when the program is to be started using 

the TIME button.

The following programs can be set with the timer function: 



The  programs  SUPER  RAPID  700  g  (5),  SUPER  RAPID 

900 g (6), QUICK (7), JAM (11), and BAKE (12) cannot be 

set with the timer function. Add the duration time of the given 

program to the time after which the baking process is to start 

plus one hour after the end of the baking process.

The maximum setting time is 13 hours.


It  is  8.30  p.m.  and  the  bread  must  be  ready  for  the  next 

morning  by  7.00  a.m.,  i.e,  in  10  hours  and  30  minutes. 

Press  the TIME  button  until  the  symbol  10.30  appears  on 

the  display,  that  is  the  time  between  now  (8.30  p.m.)  and 

when the bread must be ready. When working with the timing 

function  never  use  perishable  ingredients  such  as  milk, 

eggs, fruits, yogurt, onions, etc.


 Press the START/STOP button.

Summary of Contents for 43z010-001

Page 1: urz dzenie pozostawione jest bez nadzoru W przypadku wyj tkowo g adkich powierzchni urz dzenie umie na cienkiej gumowej podk adce Podczas pracy urz dzenie postaw w odleg o ci co naj mniej 10 cm od...

Page 2: ...ytkowaniu urz dzenia jego tempe ratura jest zbyt wysoka aby rozpocz nowy program po ponownym naci ni ciu START na wy wietlaczu pojawi si komunikat E 01 i rozlegnie si sygna d wi kowy W takim przypadk...

Page 3: ...zymaj przez oko o 3 sekundy przycisk START STOP do momentu gdy rozlegnie si sygna d wi kowy Na wy wietlaczu pojawi si pocz tkowa pozycja wybranego programu Je eli chcesz zastosowa inny program wybierz...

Page 4: ...9 m 45 s 49 m 45 s 49 m 45 s 49 m 45 s 49 m 45 s 49 m 45 s 49 m 45 s 49 m 45 s 29 m 50 s 29 m 50 s 29 m 50 s BAKE wypiek 48 m 53 m 60m 48 m 53 m 60 m 48 m 53 m 60 m 48 m 53 m 60 m WARM utrzymywanie ci...

Page 5: ...28 13 00 2 30 13 00 2 33 13 00 PREHEAT ogrzewanie wst pne 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 5 m 5 m 5 m KNEADING 1 zagniatanie 1 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m PAUSE pauza...

Page 6: ...wymagaj podgrzewania Czyszczenie i konserwacja Przed pierwszym u yciem urz dzenia dok adnie umyj pojemnik do wypieku oraz opatk mieszaj c przy u y ciu delikatnego detergentu nie wolno zanurza pojem n...

Page 7: ...ej Przed kolejnym wypiekiem wyczy opatk mieszaj c i trzpie W razie konieczno ci nape nij pojemnik ciep wod i pozostaw na 30 minut Pozwoli to w prosty spos b wyj i wyczy ci opatk mieszaj c Urz dzenie n...

Page 8: ...wcze niej namoczy CHLEB CEBULOWY waga chleba ok 900 g CHLEB RAZOWY waga chleba ok 900 g CIASTO Z CZEKOLAD I ORZECHAMI waga chleba ok 700 g Sk adniki Woda lub mleko Margaryna lub mas o S l Cukier Du a...

Page 9: ...w Nie nale y traktowa tych zapis w jako ksi ki kulinarnej Post puj wed ug indywidualnych upodoba oraz zasad kulinarnych opisanych w fachowej literaturze i poradnikach KIEDY DOKONA KOREKTY W PRZEPISACH...

Page 10: ...iednio zmniejszy wtedy ilo p ynu g W przypadku bardzo wilgotnej pogody doda o 1 2 y ki sto owe mniej wody h W przypadku ciep ej pogody nie stosowa funkcji pro gramatora czasu Nale y u ywa ch odne p yn...

Page 11: ...m etapie mieszenia Je li jest zbyt wilgotne nale y doda troch m ki a nabierze ono odpowiedniej konsystencji Je li jest zbyt suche nale y doda po y ce wody podczas procesu mieszenia Zast powanie p yn w...

Page 12: ...eniania Zaleca si r wnie upieczenie pr bnego bochenka przed ustawieniem funkcji programatora czasu stoso wanej do wypieku przez noc aby dzi ki temu w razie potrzeby dokona niezb dnych zmian Ekologia Z...

Page 13: ...proto e n doba a chl b jsou velmi hork Nedot kejte se hork ch povrch Pou vejte kuchy sk ch apky Po ukon en pe en je p stroj velmi hork Teplota dostupn ch ploch m e b t vy v okam iku kdy je p stroj v p...

Page 14: ...teri ly jako jsou nap z clony Nevytahujte z str ku ze z suvky tahem za nap jec kabel ur eno v receptech uveden ch v tomto n vodu k pou it V opa n m p pad se chl b upe e nerov nom rn anebo t sto vyte e...

Page 15: ...a lev stran komory P i vyta hov n zat hn te energicky n dobu za dr k k p en en n doby sm rem nahoru Po skon en pe en je dr k hork Pou ijte kuchy sk ch apky 2 Vlo te m chac lopatku Um st te m chac lopa...

Page 16: ...n ten t sta Dom c pek rna chl b automaticky m ch a hn te t sto do doby kdy t sto dos hne po adovanou konzistenci B hem m ch n a hn ten t sta mus b t v ko p stroje uzav en V pr b hu t to f ze lze je t...

Page 17: ...50 s BAKE pe en 48 m 53 m 60m 48 m 53 m 60 m 48 m 53 m 60 m 48 m 53 m 60 m WARM oh v n 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h TOTAL TIME celkov doba 3 13 3 18 3 25 3 13 3 18 3 25 3 13 3 18 3...

Page 18: ...15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m RISE 1 kynut 1 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 24 m 24 m 24 m KNEADING 3 hn t n 3 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s RISE 2 kynut 2 25 m...

Page 19: ...oub po dobu asi 10 minut Po vychladnut odstra te pap rov m ru n kem tuk z n doby Takto bude chr n na vrstva proti p ipalov n t sta Tuto innost lze v dy po n jak dob opakovat Vy kejte dokud p stroj zce...

Page 20: ...jte dokud nevystydne a nedos hne pokojov teploty Pot p stroj p ipojte k elektrick s ti a op tovn zapn te Na displeji se objev zpr va EEE Chyba programu nebo chyba elektronick Spus te test p stroje Zm...

Page 21: ...Such dro d 300 ml 3 4 l i ky 1 pol vkov l ce 450 g 2 l i ky 1 l i ka Program DOUGH Program DOUGH Po uhn ten rozd lte hotov t sto na 2 4 sti vytvarujte dlouh boch nky a odstavte na 30 40 minut T sto i...

Page 22: ...l b Vysok vlhkost p li hork voda h i P li mnoho tekutin c Neupe en houbovit povrch Objem chleba je p li velk oproti n dob a f P li mnoho mouky zejm na v p pad sv tl ho chleba f P li mnoho dro d nebo...

Page 23: p i pe en celozrnn ho chleba nebo jin ho pe iva z mouky mlet v dom cnosti ern m sladem pou van m v n kter ch p edpisech je je n celopra en slad D ky n mu lze z skat tmav k rku chleba a tmav chl b...

Page 24: ...nkce odlo en ho startu pou van v pe en v noci aby bylo mo no v p pad pot eby prov st nezbytn zm ny Ekologicky vhodn likvidace Obalov materi l jednodu e neodho te Obaly a balic prost edky elektrospot e...

Page 25: ...Pri vyberan zo zariadenia n doby na pe enie spolu s upe en m chle bom pou vajte peci lne rukavice alebo l tku zabezpe uj ce proti pop leniu preto e n doba a chlieb s ve mi hor ce Nedot kajte sa hor c...

Page 26: ...tiace prostriedky na um vanie riadu Pou vanie pr slu enstva in ho ako odpor an v robcom m e po kodi zariadenie Chlieb sa m e vznieti preto zariadenie nikdy nepou vajte v bl zkosti hor av ch predmetov...

Page 27: ...a k m zariadenie nevy chladne Program BAKE sa m e za a v ka dom momente aj ke je zariadenie rozohriate Fungovanie a obsluha zariadenia F ZY PROGRAMU PE ENIA CHLEBA 1 Vlo te pe iacu n dobu Pe iaca n do...

Page 28: ...u tla idla MENU 10 Miesenie a hnetenie cesta Dom ca pek re chleba automaticky miesi a hnetie cesto a k m nedosiahne po adovan konzistenciu Po as f zy miesenia a hnetenia cesta mus by kryt zariadenia z...

Page 29: ...0 s BAKE pe enie 48 m 53 m 60m 48 m 53 m 60 m 48 m 53 m 60 m 48 m 53 m 60 m WARM ohrievanie 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h TOTAL TIME s hrnn as 3 13 3 18 3 25 3 13 3 18 3 25 3 13 3 18...

Page 30: ...m 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m RISE 1 rast 1 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 49 m 24 m 24 m 24 m KNEADING 3 mie anie 3 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s RISE 2 rast 2 25 m 50...

Page 31: ...epri nav povrch Tento kon m ete pravidelne opakova Pred isten m alebo uchov van m zariadenia ho nechajte vychladn Pred al m hneten m a pe en m mus zariadenie chladn cca pol hodiny Pred isten m odpojte...

Page 32: ...acu n dobu a po kajte a k m nevychladne a nedosiahne izbov teplotu Potom pripojte zariadenie do elektrickej siete a op zapnite Na displeji sa zobrazuje spr va EEE Chyba programu alebo elektronick chyb...

Page 33: ...gram DOUGH Po procese hnetenia cesta ho rozde te na 2 4 asti urobte dlh bochn ky a nechajte 30 40 min t Nare te cesto ikmo a vlo te do r ry na pe enie Program DOUGH Po procese hnetenia cesta ho rozva...

Page 34: ...cept s pou it m vlhk ch zlo iek napr jogurtu g Drsn trukt ra chleba alebo pr li ve a p rov v chlebe Pr li ve k mno stvo tekutiny g Ch ba so b Ve k vlhkos pr li hor ca voda h i Pr li ve a tekut n c Neu...

Page 35: ...e om treba pri da jednu polievkov ly icu otr b na 500 g m ky a zv i mno stvo tekutiny o polievkovej ly ice P eni n lepok je pr rodn pr sada z skavan z bielkov n obsiahnut ch v p enici V aka nemu je ch...

Page 36: ...u odpor an hmotnos bochn ka je cca 750 gram 5 Hmotnos a objem chleba V receptoch bola presne ur en hmotnos chleba M ete si ahko v imn e hmotnos ist ho bieleho pe iva je ni ia ako pe iva celozrnn ho Je...

Page 37: ...h ll ruh t mert a s t forma s a keny r forr Soha ne rjen hozz a k sz l k forr fel leteihez Ed nyfog kesz ty t haszn ljon A k sz l k m k d s k zben felforr sodik A hozz f rhet fel letek h m r s klete m...

Page 38: ...ndig k zzel mossa a hagyo m nyos mos szerek haszn lat val Csak a gy rt ltal aj nlott tartoz kokat haszn ljon k l nben k rt tehet a k sz l kben A keny r meggyulladhat ez rt ne haszn lja a keny r s t t...

Page 39: ...nyomja meg a START STOP kapcsol t am g az E 01 el nem t nik a kijelz r l s az alapjelz s meg nem jelenik Ut na vegye ki a s t for m t s v rja meg a k sz l k leh l s ig A BAKE programot minden pillanat...

Page 40: Ha egy m sik progra mot k v n haszn lni v lassza ki a MENU gomb megnyom s val 10 T sztadagaszt s A keny rs t g p automatikusan dagasztja a t szt t am g a megfelel text r t el nem ri A t szta kever...

Page 41: ...9 m 45 s 49 m 45 s 49 m 45 s 49 m 45 s 29 m 50 s 29 m 50 s 29 m 50 s BAKE k sz keny r 48 m 53 m 60m 48 m 53 m 60 m 48 m 53 m 60 m 48 m 53 m 60 m WARM meleg t s 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h...

Page 42: ...45 13 00 3 48 13 00 2 28 13 00 2 30 13 00 2 33 13 00 PREHEAT el meleg t s 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 5 m 5 m 5 m KNEADING 1 gy r s 1 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m 5 m P...

Page 43: ...etkezt ben vjuk a tapad s g tl bevonatot A m ve letet id nk nt ism telni lehet Tiszt t s s t rol s el tt hagyja a k sz l ket leh lni A k vetkez dagaszt s s s t s el tt hagyja a k sz l ket leh lni kb f...

Page 44: ...k sz l ket Vegye ki a s t form t s hagyja leh lni a szobah m rs kletig Ut na csatlakoztassa a k sz l ket az ramh l zathoz s kapcsolja be jra A kijelz n az EEE jelenik meg Programhiba vagy elektronikus...

Page 45: ...te skan l 1 ev kan l 450 g 2 te skan l 1 te skan l Program DOUGH Program DOUGH Dagaszt s ut n ossza a t szt t 2 4 r szre mindegyiket form zza meg hossz cip ala k ra s 30 40 percere hagyja Ferd n rov t...

Page 46: ...g a folyad k a b g T l nagy a nedvess g h A recept nedves alkot elemeknek pl joghurt haszn lat t aj nlja g A keny r text r ja lyukacsos vagy t l sok lyuk van a keny rben T l sok a v z g Nincs benne s...

Page 47: ...asakon aj n lott mennyis geket haszn lja ntse bele az erjeszt t a m r poh rba ut na ntse bele a t bbi foly kony alko t elemet a megfelel mennyis gekben a recept szerint A b zaerjeszt t ink bb sz raz f...

Page 48: ...f gg a keny rs t s k zben B z t tartalmaz keny rnek mindig nagy terjedelme van s a keleszt s utols szakasz ban kil p a s t forma sz l n akkor is ha ponosan kim rte az alkot eleme ket A keny r m gsem...

Page 49: ...inea mesei sau a bla tului nici s ating suprafe ele fierbin i Atunci c nd scoate i vasul pentru copt din aparat mpreun cu p inea coapt folosi i m nu i speciale sau o bucat de material care s v pro tej...

Page 50: ...deosebit de alunecoase amplasa i sub aparat un material sub ire cauciucat A eza i aparatul la o distan de cel pu in 10 cm fa de alte obiecte atunci c nd este n func iune Nu amplasa i aparatul n apropi...

Page 51: ...erupt nainte de faza de fr m ntare a aluatului n acest caz este necesar nceperea ntregului proces de la nceput FUNC IA DE SIGURAN Dac dup utilizarea anterioar a aparatului temperatura este prea nalt p...

Page 52: ...e aude un semnal sonor Pe display apare afi at pozi ia de nceput a programului ales Dac dori i s folosi i un alt program alege i l cu ajutorul programului MENU 10 Amestecarea i fr m ntarea aluatului A...

Page 53: 2 25 m 50 s 25 m 50 s 25 m 50 s 25 m 50 s 25 m 50 s 25 m 50 s 25 m 50 s 25 m 50 s 25 m 50 s 8 m 50 s 8 m 50 s 8 m 50 s KNEADING 4 fr m ntarea 4 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 10 s 10...

Page 54: ...IGHT deschis MEDIUM mijlociu DARK nchis RAPID rapid LOAF p ine 500 g 700 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g DELAY TIME nt rzierea startului 3 43 13 00 3 45 13 00 3 48 13 00...

Page 55: ...a aluatului de vas Opera iu nea aceasta poate fi repetat la anumite intervale de timp A tepta i p n aparatul se r ce te nainte de a l cur a i de a l depozita nainte de urm torul proces de fr m n tare...

Page 56: ...e Pute i deschide capacul numai atunci c nd timpul afi at pe display este mai mare de 1 30 se refer numai la programele 1 2 3 4 Trebuie s v asigura i c a fost bine nchis capacul O pan de curent mai lu...

Page 57: ...acestea trebuie umezite n prealabil PAINE CU CEAP greutatea pr jiturii 900 g PAINE INTEGRAL greutatea pr jiturii 900 g PR JITUR CU CIOCOLAT I NUCI greutatea pr jiturii 700 g Ingrediente Ap sau lapte...

Page 58: ...da i n conformiate cu re etele din c r iile de bucate sau n func ie de preferin ele Dumneavoastr C ND FACE I MODIFIC RI N RE ETE Problem Cauza posibil Rzolvare prezentarea n continuare Aluatul cre te...

Page 59: ...ugat trebuie s fie ceva mai mic cu una dou linguri e h Dac vremea este foarte c lduroas nu folosi i func ia de programare a timpului Trebuie s folosi i lichide reci i Imediat dup ce s a copt trebuie s...

Page 60: ...u in f in s ajung la consiten a adecvat Dac este prea uscat trebuie s ad uga i pu in ap c te o liguri n timpul procesului de amestecare nlocuirea lichidelor n cazul folosirii unor ingrediente care con...

Page 61: ...ogramare a timpului ce se folose te pentru coacerea n timpul nop ii pentru a putea dac este nevoie s face i modific rile nece sare Ecologia ai grij de mediul nconjur tor Fiecare consumator poate contr...

Page 62: ...66 43Z010 001_v05 Zelmer 8 8 8 RU...

Page 63: ...67 43Z010 001_v05 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 A...



Page 66: ...s 10 s 10 s RISE 2 2 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 8 50 s 8 50 s 8 50 s KNEADING 4 4 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 10 s 10 s 10 s RISE 3 3 49...

Page 67: ...30 3 32 3 35 3 30 3 32 3 35 2 30 2 32 2 35 3 WHOLEWHEAT BAKING LIGHT MEDIUM DARK RAPID LOAF 500 700 900 500 700 900 500 700 900 500 700 900 DELAY TIME 3 43 13 00 3 45 13 00 3 48 13 00 3 43 13 00 3 45...

Page 68: ...BAKE LOAF 500 700 900 700 900 900 900 DELAY TIME 3 17 13 00 3 22 13 00 3 27 13 00 3 55 13 00 1 30 13 00 2 00 13 00 PREHEAT 30 KNEADING 1 1 5 5 5 13 9 3 5 5 20 15 PAUSE 5 5 5 5 10 5 KNEADING 2 2 20 20...

Page 69: ...73 43Z010 001_v05 30 30 START STOP 1 30 1 2 3 4...

Page 70: ...SIC FRENCH BASIC FRENCH o 900 o 900 o 700 M M 500 350 1 1 2 c 540 1 100 3 Ma M 550 350 1 540 5 1 1 1 M M 550 7 300 1 1 2 240 240 60 1 BASIC BASIC WHOLEWHEAT o 900 o 900 o 700 M M 550 250 1 1 2 1 540 1...

Page 71: ...1 2 3 350 1 M M 550 300 1 1 1 540 1 M 500 300 1 450 2 1 DOUGH DOUGH 2 4 30 40 DOUGH 10 20 2 1 400 100 250 450 450 450 450 JAM JAM JAM 700 o 900 450 2 450 550 75 20 15 15 135 20 410 1 1 500 425 1 1 500...

Page 72: ...76 43Z010 001_v05 a b a b e c d e a b g a b f c a f c h i a b h a b g a b b e a b g h g g b h i c a f f a b a b b j g i...

Page 73: ...77 43Z010 001_v05 a b c d e f g 1 2 h i 15 j 1 Ma 20 40 60 1 5 15 1 1 100 1 80 1 M BASIC WHOLEWHEAT 500...

Page 74: ...78 43Z010 001_v05 2 10 1 750 Mo 1 4 1 2 3 30 300 4 1000 750 5 SUPER RAPID SWEET 6...

Page 75: ...79 43Z010 001_v05 PE...

Page 76: ...80 43Z010 001_v05 Zelmer 8 8 8 BG...

Page 77: ...81 43Z010 001_v05 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A...


Page 79: ...ARK 8 TIME TIMER BASIC 1 FRENCH 2 WHOLEWHEAT 3 SWEET 4 BROWN BREAD 8 DOUGH 9 BAGEL DOUGH 10 SUPER RAPID 700 g 5 SUPER RAPID 900 g 6 QUICK 7 JAM 11 BAKE 12 13 20 30 7 00 10 30 TIME 10 30 20 30 9 START...

Page 80: ...RISE 2 2 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 8 50 s 8 50 s 8 50 s KNEADING 4 4 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 10 s 10 s 10 s RISE 3 3 49 45 s 49 45 s...

Page 81: ...1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h 1 h TOTAL TIME 3 30 3 32 3 35 3 30 3 32 3 35 3 30 3 32 3 35 2 30 2 32 2 35 3 WHOLEWHEAT BAKING LIGHT MEDIUM DARK RAPID LOAF 500 700 900 500 700 900 500 700 900 500 700 900...

Page 82: ...GH JAM BAKE LOAF 500 700 900 700 900 900 900 DELAY TIME 3 17 13 00 3 22 13 00 3 27 13 00 3 55 13 00 1 30 13 00 2 00 13 00 PREHEAT 30 KNEADING 1 1 5 5 5 13 9 3 5 5 20 15 PAUSE 5 5 5 5 10 5 KNEADING 2 2...

Page 83: ...87 43Z010 001_v05 30 START STOP 1 30 1 2 3 4 25 C 25 C 10 30...

Page 84: ...1 1 500 1 BASIC FRENCH BASIC FRENCH 900 900 700 500 350 1 1 2 540 1 100 3 550 350 1 540 5 1 1 1 550 7 300 1 1 2 240 240 60 1 BASIC 1 BASIC WHOLEWHEAT 900 900 700 550 250 1 1 2 1 540 1 550 300 1 1 1 2...

Page 85: ...1 550 300 1 1 1 540 1 500 300 1 450 2 1 DOUGH DOUGH 2 4 30 40 DOUGH 10 20 2 1 400 100 250 450 450 450 450 JAM JAM 700 900 450 2 450 M 550 75 20 15 15 135 20 410 1 1 500 425 1 1 500 1 JAM BASIC SWEET...

Page 86: ...90 43Z010 001_v05 f c a f c h i a b h a b g a b b e a b g h g g b h i c a f f a b a b b j g i a b c d e f g 1 2 h i 15 j...

Page 87: ...91 43Z010 001_v05 1 20 40 60 1 5 15 1 1 100 1 80 1 BASIC WHOLEWHEAT 500 2 750...

Page 88: ...92 43Z010 001_v05 6 3 30 300 4 1000 750 5 SUPER RAPID SWEET...

Page 89: ...93 43Z010 001_v05 Zelmer 8 8 8 UA...

Page 90: ...94 43Z010 001_v05 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A...


Page 92: ...DARK 8 TIME TIMER BASIC 1 FRENCH 2 WHOLEWHEAT 3 SWEET 4 BROWN BREAD 8 DOUGH 9 BAGEL DOUGH 10 SUPER RAPID 700g 5 SUPER RAPID 900g 6 QUICK 7 JAM 11 BAKE 12 13 20 30 a 7 00 10 i 30 TIME 10 30 20 30 9 STA...

Page 93: ...E 2 2 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 25 50 s 8 50 s 8 50 s 8 50 s KNEADING 4 4 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 10 s 10 s 10 s RISE 3 3 49 45 s 49 45 s 49...

Page 94: ...TAL TIME 3 30 3 32 3 35 3 30 3 32 3 35 3 30 3 32 3 35 2 30 2 32 2 35 3 WHOLEWHEAT BAKING LIGHT MEDIUM DARK RAPID LOAF 500 700 900 500 700 900 500 700 900 500 700 900 DELAY TIME 3 43 13 00 3 45 13 00 3...

Page 95: ...700 900 900 900 DELAY TIME 3 17 13 00 3 22 13 00 3 27 13 00 3 55 13 00 1 30 13 00 2 00 13 00 PREHEAT 30 KNEADING 1 1 5 5 5 13 9 3 5 5 20 15 PAUSE 5 5 5 5 10 5 KNEADING 2 2 20 20 20 5 20 20 10 RISE 1...

Page 96: ...100 43Z010 001_v05 i i 30 START STOP 1 30 1 2 3 4 i E 01 START STOP i a i 30...

Page 97: ...0 1 100 3 550 350 1 540 5 1 1 1 550 7 300 1 1 2 240 240 60 1 BASIC 1 BASIC WHOLEWHEAT 900 g 900 g 700 g 550 250 1 1 2 1 540 1 550 300 1 1 1 2 360 180 1 500 275 90 1 1 300 150 1 BASIC WHOLEWHEAT DELAY...

Page 98: ...2 1 400 100 250 450 450 450 450 JAM JAM JAM 700 900 g 450 2 450 550 75 20 15 15 135 20 410 1 1 500 425 1 1 500 1 JAM BASIC SWEET 20 BASIC FRENCH a b a b e c d e a b g a b f c i a f c h i a b h a b g...

Page 99: ...103 43Z010 001_v05 h b h i C a f F a b a b I B j g i a b c d e f g 1 2 h i 15 j 1 i 20 40 i 60 i 1 5 15 1 1 100 1 80 1 i...

Page 100: ...104 43Z010 001_v05 BASIC WHOLEWHEAT i 500 i i a 2 i i 750 3 a 30 300 4 1000 750 5 i SUPER RAPID SWEET...

Page 101: ...105 43Z010 001_v05 6 i 26663 19848 5 40 1 15150...

Page 102: tines Baigus kepti renginys yra labai kar tas jungto prietaiso atvir pavir i tem perat ra gali b ti auk tesn Prie prietaiso demontavim ir valym palikite j atv sti renginys turi termoizoliacin korpu...

Page 103: ...sparneliams i imti VALDYMO PANELIS 13 LCD displ jus jame matoma informacija apie pasi rinkt program laik likus iki programos pabaigos bei duonos skrudimo laipsnis Displ juje pasirodo 1 3 25 simboliai...

Page 104: ...r ruginei duonai kepi Da niausiai naudo jama programa FRENCH PRANC ZI KAS PYRAGAS Labai lengvai baltai duonai kepti WHOLEWHEAT RUPI DUONA Rupiai duonai kepti B SWEET SALDUS PYRAGAS Saldiems pyragams a...

Page 105: ...u dar galima prid ti nedidel vandens skys io ar kit ingredient kiek 11 Te los kilimas Po paskutinio mai ymo ciklo prietaisas yla iki optimalios te los kilimui temperat ros Te los kilimo faz s metu u d...

Page 106: ...g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g DELAY TIME ijungimo pav lavimas 3 30 13 00 3 32 13 00 3 35 13 00 3 30 13 00 3 32 13 00 3 35 13 00 3 30 13 00 3 32 13 00 3 35 13 00 2 30 13...

Page 107: ...m 50 s KNEADING 4 minkymas 4 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s RISE 3 auk tis 3 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 34 m...

Page 108: ...prietaiso dangtelio korpuso bei kepimo kameros dr gnu rank luos iu i valykite visus ingredientus bei trupinius Draud iama prietais merkti vanden ar kepimo kamer pilti vanden Nor dami palengvinti valym...

Page 109: ...nkite prietais i elektros tinklo Displ juje turi pasirodyti normalus programos kodas Prie ingu atveju prietais atiduokite servis TRADICINIAI RECEPTAI Prietaisui ypa tinka gatavi duonos mi iniai kuri g...

Page 110: ...lgomas auk tas 450 g 2 auk teliai 1 auk telis BASIC programa DOUGH programa Po te los minkymo proceso padalinkite j 2 4 dalis suformuokite ilgus kepaliukus ir palikite 30 40 minu i Keliose vietose ske...

Page 111: ...dr gm per kar tas vanduo h i Per daug skys io c Nei kep s kempin pana us pavir ius Duonos apimtis yra per didel palyginus su kepimo formos apimtimis a f Per daug milt ypa baltos duonos atveju f Per da...

Page 112: turi didesn apimt Duona re iau sukrenta ir yra lengviau vir kinama Jo teigiamos savyb s ypa matomos kepant rupi duon arba kitus duonos gaminius i namuose malt milt Tamsusis salyklas naudojamas kai...

Page 113: ...moje 6 Kepimo rezultatas Kepimo rezultatas priklauso nuo esam s lyg vandens kietumo oro dr gm s auk io ingredient konsistenci jos ir t t Tod l receptai yra tik rekomendacijomis kurias galima pritaikyt...

Page 114: ...ier ce darbojas Atst jiet ier ci l dz t ir atdzisusi pirms izjuk anas un t r anas Ier ce ir apr kota ar termoizol jo u apvalku Ier ces met la da as iesilst darbo an s laik Piev rsiet pa u uzman bu p...

Page 115: ...odzi 4 Aug j ventil cijas atvere 5 Malas ventil cijas atveres 6 Cep anas konteiners 7 Mais anas l psti a 8 Cep anas kamera 9 Vad bas panelis AKSESU RI 10 M r anas karote 11 M r anas konteiners 12 is m...

Page 116: ...s anas l psti as atver 3 Pievienojiet sast vda as Sast vda as ielieciet konteiner p c k rt bas no attiec gas receptes Piem rotas receptes ir nor d tas t l k instrukci jas da 4 Piesl dziet elektr bas v...

Page 117: ...las mais anas un m c anas f zes laik ier ces v kam j b t aizv rtam s f zes laik var v l pievienot nelielus dens idruma vai citu sast vda u daudzumus 11 M klas atst ana l dz aug anas procesam P c p d j...

Page 118: ...EDIUM vid j DARK tum RAPID tr LOAF klaips 500 g 700 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g DELAY TIME starta nob de 3 30 13 00 3 32 13 00 3 35 13 00 3 30 13 00 3 32 13 00 3 35 1...

Page 119: ...ING 4 m c ana 4 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s RISE 3 pacel an s 3 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 34 m 50 s 34 m...

Page 120: vis m sast vda m un drupat m no v ka apvalka un cep anas kameras ar mitru dvieli Nedr kst iegrimt ier ci den ar ne ieliet deni cep anas kamer Lai atvieglotu t r anu var no emt v ku uzst dot to ver...

Page 121: ...r ci elektrot klam un v lreiz to iesl dziet R d t j par d s pazi ojums EEE Programmas k da vai elektronisk k da S ciet ier ces p rbaudi Ar o m r i nospie ot un turot pogu menu atvienojiet ier ci no el...

Page 122: ...arotes 1 karote Programma DOUGH Programma DOUGH P c m klas veido anas sadaliet to 2 4 da s izveidojiet garus klaipus un atst jiet 30 40 min u laikam Diagon li iegrieziet m klu un atst jiet kr sn Progr...

Page 123: ...s mitrums p r k karsts dens h i P r k daudz idruma c Neuzcepta s klvied ga virsma Maizes tilpums ir p r k liels konteineram a f P r k daudz miltu pa i esot gai ai maizei f P r k daudz ieraugu vai p r...

Page 124: ...iem m j s cep an Melnais iesals kas lietojams k d s recept s tas ir tum i cepts mie u iesals T d var ieg t tum ku maizes garozu un tum ku m kstumu piem br na maize Var ar lietot rudzu iesalu bet tas n...

Page 125: ...ot attiec giem apst k iem Nav j zaud drosme nesekm gu cep anas m i n jumu gad jum Tad j atrod neveiksmju iemesls un j pam ina v lreiz esot p rmain t m proporcij m Ja maize nav pietiekami sabr nin ta d...

Page 126: ...mperatuur v ib olla k rgem kui seade t tab Enne seadme lahtiv tmist ja puhas tamist laske sel maha jahtuda Seadme korpusel on kuumakindel isolatsioon Seadme metallist osad kuumenevad t k igus Olge sea...

Page 127: ...a 8 K psetuspesa 9 Juhtpaneel TARVIKUD 10 M telusikas 11 M dun u 12 Konks segamislaba eemaldamiseks JUHTPANEEL 13 LCD ekraan n itab teavet valitud programmi k pseta mise l puni j nud aja ja leiva k ps...

Page 128: ...P HILINE Nisu ja rukkijahust valge leiva valmistamiseks See on k ige tihedamini kasutatav programm FRENCH LEHTTAINAS Kergete heledate k psetiste valmistamiseks WHOLEWHEAT T ISTERALEIB T isteraleiva va...

Page 129: ...d koostisai neid 11 Taina kergitamine P rast viimast segamist soojeneb seade taina kerkimise jaoks optimaalse temperatuurini Taina kergitamise ajal sulgege kaas ja rge avage seda kuni leiva k psetamis...

Page 130: ...g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g DELAY TIME alguse viivitus 3 30 13 00 3 32 13 00 3 35 13 00 3 30 13 00 3 32 13 00 3 35 13 00 3 30 13 00 3 32 13 00 3 35 13 00 2 30 13 00 2 32 13 00 2 35 13...

Page 131: ...s KNEADING 4 segiajamine 4 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s RISE 3 kerkimine 3 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 34 m...

Page 132: ...vad kriimustada v i rikkuda seadme kattekihti Eemaldage niiske k ter ti abil kaanelt korpuselt ning k psetuspesast k ik koostisained ja raasukesed Seadet ei tohi kasta vette ega valada vett k psetuspe...

Page 133: ...ine L litage seade uuesti elektriv rgust v lja Ekraanile peaks ilmuma tavalise programmi number Vastasel juhul tuleb seade viia teeninduspunkti KLASSIKALISED RETSEPTID Seadmes v ib kasutada poodides s...

Page 134: ...usikat 1 teelusikas Programm DOUGH Programm DOUGH P rast taina valmimist jagage see 2 4 osaks vormige pikad p tsid ja j tke 30 40 minutiks seisma Tehke tainale pikil iked ja asetage praeahju Programm...

Page 135: ...alju niiskust liiga kuum vesi h i Liiga palju vedelikku c Toores poorne v lispind Leiva kogus anuma suhtes on liiga suur a f Liiga palju jahu eriti heleda leiva puhul f Liiga palju p rmi v i liiga v h...

Page 136: ...ud jahust leiva k psetamisel M nedes retseptides kasutatud tume linnas on tume daks r stitud odralinnas T nu sellele on tulemuseks tumeda koore ja sisuga leib nt tumepruun leib Kasu tada v ib ka rukki...

Page 137: ...est vaatenurgast l htuvalt on retseptid pigem soovitusliku iseloomuga mida v ib kohaldada vastavalt antud tingimustele K psetise eba nnestumise korral pole vaja heituda Siis tuleb eba n nestumise p hj...

Page 138: ...DANGER WARNING Risk of injury This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge i...

Page 139: ...he end of the program and the bread browning level The symbol 1 3 25 will appear on the display The number 1 indicates the selected program the symbol 3 25 indicates the duration of the selected progr...

Page 140: ...this instruction manual 4 Plug in the appliance 5 Select the desired program using the MENU button TheMENUbuttonisusedtoselecttheprogramsdescribedbelow BASIC For white wheat and rye bread This is the...

Page 141: ...last kneading cycle the bread baking machine is heated to the optimal temperature for the rising of the dough During the dough growing phase close the lid and do not open it until the end of baking b...

Page 142: ...00 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g 500 g 700 g 900 g DELAY TIME 3 30 13 00 3 32 13 00 3 35 13 00 3 30 13 00 3 32 13 00 3 35 13 00 3 30 13 00 3 32 13 00 3 35 13 00 2 30 13 00 2 32 13 00 2 3...

Page 143: ...5 m 50 s 25 m 50 s 10 m 50 s 10 m 50 s 10 m 50 s KNEADING 4 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s RISE 3 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44 m 50 s 44...

Page 144: ...ith water For easy cleaning the lid can be removed by positioning it vertically and pulling it out Wipe the outside of the baking tin with a damp cloth The inside of the tin can be washed with dishwas...

Page 145: ...n The appliance will perform a test run Unplug the appliance again The normal program code should appear on the display If this is not the case return the appliance to a service point CLASSIC RECIPES...

Page 146: ...when ready into 2 4 parts form long loaf shapes and leave them to rest for about 30 40 minutes Make a series of diagonal cuts on the top surface and put the bread to bake in the oven Program DOUGH Aft...

Page 147: ...t humidity too hot water h i Too much liquid c Mushroom like unbaked surface Bread volume too big for the tin a f Too much flour especially for white bread f Too much yeast or not enough salt a b Too...

Page 148: ...ase the amount of liquid by tablespoon Wheat gluten is a natural additive obtained from wheat proteins It makes the bread lighter the bread also has more volume The bread falls more rarely and is easi...
