Operating manual TEMPAR console V9.0
By touching a certain point or by moving over with the mouse, a vertical
line is drawn over the chart. In doing so, a precise point in time with the
respective measured values is displayed.
If the "Automatic Scaling" checkbox is activated, the view is automatically
scaled in the Y-direction. Otherwise, the scale corresponding to the
settings under "Configuration > Measuring Room > History" is displayed.
Fig. 19:
Chart zoom function
If you hold down the left mouse button and at the same time move it
over the chart or move the finger horizontally over a defined area, the
area will be highlighted in grey. Upon letting go, the highlighted areas of
the chart is shown magnified (zoom function). The area can be expanded
or reduced using the bar below the chart. With the right button "Display
all” you go back to the entire chart view according to the time interval
specified above.