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2) Connect the EpsacW directly to the Battery rail (as consequence the
EpsacW is always Operational).
2bis) Connect the EpsacW under a line contactor that the EpsacW switches
on immediately at key on.
As a consequence, in both cases 2) and 2bis), EpsacW will be always
Operational independently by the traction is REALLY moving or not.
16.4 Closed Loop Mode
According EN1175 and ISO13849 we consider the arrangement documented
in this manual suited to work in Manual Mode and Open Loop Mode only. If
Closed Loop mode will be required (like truck travels Automatic Centered
or Wire Guided or Manual Mode in Closed Loop), a different feedback
arrangement adopting a second encoder in the steering motor is strongly
Closed loop functions already implemented in this system (recovery at rest
and max angle limitation) are not considered Safety Relevant because of
two reasons:
1) These secondary closed loop functions are executed with a very slow
steering motor and only in case the steering wheel is released
2) As soon as the driver moves the steering wheel the closed loop function
is immediately aborted (Open loop function is dominant ever).
16.5 Safety relevant parameters
Many of the parameters used in this application are Safety Relevant.
Despite of that, it is a common practice the final lift truck manufacturer has
its own tool for setting the parameters on its demand on the field. This
handling is Safety Relevant and, for fulfilling with ISO13849, this set-up tool
should be designed according the PLd and Category #3 requirements.
Besides only skill and well trained technicians are allowed to change these
safety relevant parameters.
1) Zapi is available for supporting the lift truck manufacturer to list the
safety relevant parameters.
2) Zapi is also available for limiting the rights to change these safety
relevant parameters on the user demand.
3) Zapi is not responsible if, whatever is the reason, a safety relevant
parameter will be improperly changed by the user.