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2) Total gears ratio (
= turns of the motor shaft corresponding to one turn of the
steered wheel)
Then the encoder counting, corresponding to 180° steered wheel angle, will be:
This value must be transformed in four digit of a hexadecimal format.
Let us considering an example:
Suppose we have:
resol = 32 pulses/rev n=157.25
Then PULSE IN 180 DEG will be 2*32*157.25=10064
Transformation in hexadecimal format will be:
10064/4096=2 with remainder=1872
1808/256=7 with remainder=80
80/16=5 with remainder=0
Final remainder=0
Then the correct value to be written on the right side of ADDR=F602 in RAM will
be X=2750.
Push the enter key (see Figure 13.2-1) to write the new X data at this location.
Now set DEBUG OUTPUT to level 1 and save the setting. DEBUG OUTPUT will
be set to level 15 automatically at the next key on.
Only well trained technicians are authorized to execute the PULSE IN 180
DEG manual setting.
12.6 Autoteaching
Autoteaching is the simplest set-up procedure when the correct setting for AUX
FUNCTION 11 is known and the steered wheel has not mechanical limitation. If
AUX FUNCTION 11 is not correctly set, the autoteaching sequence will not
successful ends.
1) Set hardware setting AUX FUNCTION 11 to the correct value
2) Set hardware setting AUTOTEACHING to ON and save the setting.
3) Recycle the key. The steering motor starts turning searching for the
correct sequence on the straight ahead sensor.
4) Traction is kept stopped via a CAN Bus command from EPS.
5) The display of the hand set shows the alarm ENC PULSES ACQ.
6) When the data are correctly collected, the steering motor stops.
7) If PLS IN HALF MOON is not in a window from 8/10 to 12/10 PULSE IN
180 DEG, acquisition is not saved and inscription ENC PULSES ACQ in
the display turns into ACQ ABORTED #1 (PLS IN HALF MOON too low)
or ACQ ABORTED #2 (PLS IN HALF MOON too high).
8) If the couple of collected values is consistent (inscription ENC PULSES
ACQ in the display does not change), the collected values are
automatically saved in the adjustments PULSE IN 180 DEG and PLS IN
9) Recycle the key to finish the autoteaching procedure (setting
AUTOTEACHING will be automatically turned OFF).