5. Normal Grill Operation
Fire Up The Grill
1. With the grill plugged into power, press the controller knob to turn the power on.
2. Open the grill lid and check that there are enough wood pellets in the hopper.
3. Press and hold the control knob for 2 seconds to enter the MENU, then rotate to select
FIRE UP and press again to select.
4. Wait until a cloud of smoke is released and the roaring sound of the fire can be heard. Shut
the grill lid and wait for the controller to display FIRED UP.
5. Press the control knob to set the target.
6. At low target temperatures a smoke level can also be set.
7. Wait for the grill to reach the target temperature before placing in food.
Shut Down the Grill
1. Press and hold the control knob for 2 seconds to enter the MENU, then rotate to SHUT
DOWN and press again to confirm.
2. If less than 140
C the grill will begin the SHUT DOWN cycle, running the fan for 10 minutes
then turning off. Wait until the fan stops before disconnecting power.
3. If the grill is hotter than 140
C it will first cool down below 140
C with only a small fire
before commencing the SHUT DOWN cycle. This helps to prevent the occurrence of back-
burn, which is possible after running at high temperatures.
4. During operation if power is accidentally turned OFF, or if there is a power outage:
If power immediately comes back on: Fire the grill up using the normal process, and
then set the target temperature.
If the power is off for more than 30 seconds: OPEN THE GRILL LID and FIRE UP using
the normal process. Once there is smoke, or it is clear that fire is burning, close the lid
and then set the target temperature.
Inaccurate Temperature
1. Temperature spikes above a low temperature setting are common in the first 10 to 15
minutes of operation due to the large amount of pellets delivered into the fire-pot during
the startup cycle.
2. The grill will gradually settle at the desired setting but swings of +/- 10ºC around the target
are normal. Because the heat is indirect this temperature cycling will not adversely effect
the cooking of food.
3. The displayed grill temperature may differ by +/- 20
C from the grill rack temperatures,
especially during the heating up phase and each time a batch of pellets releases heat.
4. When the grill lid is opened the temperature reading can drop due to cool air entering the
grill drum area. Opening the lid too often, or for too long, can cause temperature spikes as
more pellets are delivered into the fire-pot.
“If you keep looking, you’re not cooking!”
PID Control Logic
The controller uses PID logic to adjust the auger on/off cycles to achieve the desired
temperature. This style of control is able to adapt better to different operating conditions, but
can still take 15 to 20 minutes to find the ideal ratio to maintain the target temperature.
It is important to keep the lid shut and let the controller work its magic!