IM 11Y01B01-01E-A 6th Edition :Feb 13, 2013-00
FIXED is used when the process gas pressure will not vary
under normal operating conditions when the measurement is
required. If there is any process pressure variation, then the
results are typically affected proportionally according to gas
law. Fixed is most suited to ~atmospheric conditions, such as
vent lines and combustion.
ACTIVE is used when the highest degree of accuracy is
required under variable process pressure conditions or when
specified for the given application. The range must match the
4-20mA input range and a back-up value may be entered in
case the input signal fails
CONTROL is not used in TDLS-200
FIXED is used when the process gas temperature will not vary
under normal operating conditions when the measurement is
required. If there is any process temperature variation, then
the results are typically affected according to the specific
ACTIVE INPUT is used when the highest degree of accuracy
is required under variable process temperature conditions or
when specified for the given application. The range must match
the 4-20mA input range and a back-up value may be entered in
case the input signal fails
ACTIVE AMBIENT is used when the process gas generally
follows ambient temperature. It is not as accurate as an active
input but it is more accurate than a Fixed value
ACTIVE PEAKS is used for special high temperature oxygen
combustion application when the gas is above 800˚C – used
only when approved by Yokogawa and not functional <800˚C
CONTROL is not used in TDLS-200
This software feature allows the user to enter all necessary
parameters associated with the Non-Process Parameters
Refer to detail section of User Guide for more information
and follow the on-screen directions for programming