IM 11Y01B01-01E-A 6th Edition :Feb 13, 2013-00
Following the on screen directions, enter in the pressure of the
gas within the on-line line check gas flow cell. Typically this
cell is vented to atmosphere so an atmospheric pressure value
(14.7 psiA or 1.01barA) will work.
Press ENT to proceed.
Enter in the temperature of the gas within the on-line line check
gas flow cell. Typically this cell is the same temperature as am-
bient. Use a thermometer, DVM with appropriate thermocouple
attachment or radio to the control room for an ambient reading.
Press ENT to proceed
TDLS200 TDL Analyzer Instruction Manual V2.1
Page 95 of 131
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Enter in the temperature of the gas
within the on-line line check gas flow
Typically this cell is the same
temperature as ambient. Use a
thermometer, DVM with appropriate
thermocouple attachment or radio to the
control room for an ambient reading.
Press ENT to proceed
The length of the on-line check gas flow
cell has been already entered (a default
value) and should be in the order of 4.5
to 5.5” (or 115 to 140mm).
Press ENT to proceed.
Enter in the concentration of the Check
Gas (20.9% for instrument air – Oxygen
analyzers only). If using a cylinder of cal
gas, then check the cylinder certification
label and its expiration date to be sure.
Press ENT to proceed.
The length of the on-line check gas flow cell has been already
entered (a default value) and should be in the order of 3.5 to
5.5” (or 75 to 115mm).
Press ENT to proceed.
Enter in the concentration of the Check Gas (20.9% for
instrument air – Oxygen analyzers only). If using a cylinder
of cal gas, then check the cylinder certification label and its
expiration date to be sure.
Press ENT to proceed.