IM 11Y01B01-01E-A 6th Edition :Feb 13, 2013-00
<10. Data Files anD Format>
analyzer to capture spectrum files and under what
condition. The default condition is related to the number
of measurement however, the user can select Relative or
Absolute changes pending the site specific conditions/
Typical updates between capture value would be 300
The more frequently spectrum are stored then the larger
the MMDDYY.spe files will become.
NOTE: Capturing every spectrum for one day can create a
single day file in excess of 30MB – Choose the parameters
carefully to prevent memory overload!
Determine whether or not the analyzer should capture
spectrum files under a WARNING condition.
Note, this may be useful to do so however, if the Warning
alarm conditions are not set correctly then there could be
excessive files created for less meaningful Warning alarm
An example is a low transmission warning alarm set at
70% for an application that often runs at less than 70%
Determine whether or not the analyzer should capture
spectrum files under a FAULT condition.
Note, this may be useful to do so however, if the Fault
alarm conditions are not set correctly, then there could
be excessive files created for less meaningful Fault alarm
These files are often useful for Factory based diagnostics.