IM 11Y01B01-01E-A 6th Edition :Feb 13, 2013-00
8 Validation and Calibration
There are several methods that can be used to validate and/or calibrate the TDLS200 analyzer. Generally,
we recommend routine validation of the analyzer either on-line (if appropriately set-up) or off-line. when the
process gas can be isolated from the optical path (such as extractive enhanced flow cell).
Actual calibration should only be performed if certain performance criteria have not been met during the
validations and should only be performed by appropriately qualified personnel.
The options for Validation and Calibration are:
Validate On-Line
Analyzer remains attached to
process and also considered as
a gas response check method
Use integral on-line
check gas flow cell
Manual introduction of check
gas and follow manual proce
dure via user interface (at RIU,
local LCD or PC with
Validate On-Line
Initiated by:
- Remote Contact
- Local User Interface
- Pre-Set Timer
- URD Laptop VAC
- RIU User Interface
Analyzer remains attached to
process and also considered as
a gas response check method
Use integral on-line
check gas flow cell
Automatic introduction of
check gas (requires
appropriate hardware, valves,
etc.) and implements
automatic procedure from
selected initiation method
Validate Off-Line
(or Cal Check)
Manual (Zero - Span)
Analyzer removed
from the process
alignment flanges
Use off-line calibration
Manual introduction of zero or
span gas and follow manual
procedure via user interface
Calibrate Off-Line
Manual (Zero – Span)
Analyzer removed
from the process
alignment flanges
Use off-line calibration
Manual introduction of zero or
span gas and follow manual
calibration procedure via user
Analyzers with
extractive flow cells
and by-pass piping
Analyzer can remain
in its off-line position
Use flow cell or bypass
piping and
introduce cal gases
Manual or automatic
introduction of Zero and Span
gases for validation or
calibration (when equipped
with appropriate hardware,
valves, etc.)