IM 11Y01B01-01E-A 6th Edition :Feb 13, 2013-00
PROCESS PATH LENGTH – allows user to enter in a new optical
path length (distance laser is exposed to process gas)
PRESSURE – allows selection of ACTIVE (analyzer fed pressure
value from external transducer) or FIXED (value entered into
software) process gas pressure. In Active mode, a Back-
Up value can be entered, in case of active input failure.
CONTROLLED is not applicable for TDLS-200.
TEMPERATURE – allows selection of ACTIVE (analyzer fed
temperature value from external transducer), ACTIVE AMBIENT
(ambient gas temperature derived from internal sensor) or FIXED
(value entered into software) process gas temperature. In Active
mode, a Back-Up value can be entered, in case of active input
failure. ACTIVE PEAKS is used for special Oxygen applications
only, please consult with Yokogawa directly. CONTROLLED is
not applicable for TDLS-200.
NON-PROCESS PARAMETERS – allows mathematical
subtraction of purge gases that contain the target gas. Example
would be Instrument air purge when measuring Oxygen or CO
line locking gas for combustion CO applications.
UNITS – selection as defined below, independently
SYSTEM I/O – allows set up and assigning of analyzer Analog
and Digital I/O
SYSTEM – displays analyzer information (serial number, Fat date,
password, software version, launch/detect unit temperatures,
etc.), allows setting of date/time, TCP/IP.
VALVE CONTROL ¬– allows for manual and/or automatic control
of the valve driver output signals
SIGNAL PROCESSING – Factory set parameters only
LASER SPECTRA & CONTROL – displays spectra and allows
manual control of laser
Enter the distance over which the laser will be exposed to
the process gas, this excludes any purge paths. Consider
just the distance of process gas exposure to the laser beam
path. Consult Yokogawa is any assistance required. For by-
pass applications with window purges, typically the center
line distance from inlet-outlet pipes is used. For combustion
applications, the distance inside the refractory for example.
NOTE: for extractive applications, this will match the flow cell
condition, typically 40”.
NOTE: when using an off-line calibration cell the standard optical
path will be 28.6” (72.6cm)