<7. Operation>
IM 01C27B01-01EN
within 30cm
Figure 7.4
Provisioning Example
■ Provisioning work
This subsection describes provisioning work using
FieldMate as the provisioning device.
Provisioning work performs provisioning for each
field wireless device using FieldMate and an
infrared adapter. If Yokogawa - recommended
infrared device is used for provisioning, distance
between the transmitter glass window and the
infrared device should be within 30cm. For details of
Yokogawa - recommended infrared device, refer to
subsection 9.2 “Calibration Instruments Selection”.
Perform the following provisioning tasks.
• Setting provisioning information
• Creating a provisioning information file
1) Setting provisioning information
Set the device tag and network ID using a
FieldMate provisioning function. The device
tag, network ID, and join key are set in the Field
Wireless Device. It is not necessary to input
a join key because FieldMate automatically
generates it.
Setting device tag
The device tag is used for the user to
recognize the Field Wireless Device.
Setting network ID
This is the network ID for the field wireless
network to which the field wireless device is
connected. Set a value from 2 to 65535.
The field wireless device is connected to the
field wireless network corresponding to the
network ID set by provisioning work.
2) Creating a provisioning information file
The following provisioned information is stored
in the provisioning information file.
• Network ID
• Device tag
• EUI64
• Join key
• Provisioner (name of the user who performed
provisioning work by FieldMate)
• Date (Time and date when provisioning was
performed by FieldMate)
This provisioning information file is required to
load from the Field Wireless Configurator to the
Field Wireless Integrated Gateway. Store the
file carefully.
■ Connecting to a field wireless network
The action after installing the battery pack or turning
on the power varies depending on the silence
Mounting the battery pack or turning on the power
automatically starts a search for the field wireless
network. When the Field Wireless Integrated
Gateway is found, the instrument enters the join
When the field wireless gateway is not found and
a specified time based on the silence mode has
elapsed, a cycle of a one-hour pause and six-
minutes search is repeated until the instrument can
join the field wireless network.
For details on the procedure to switch to silence
mode, refer to subsection 8.3.17 “Switching to
Silence Mode.”
Mounting battery pack or turning on the power
Infrared communication
Pause (b)
Search failure for
the specified time
1 hour
Search failure
for 6 minutes
Ready 2:
Searching (b)
Confirm connecting
status: Join (c)
Operation (d)
Deep sleep
Ready 1:
Searching (b)
Deep sleep (a)
Figure 7.5
Wireless Connection Process