The operation method selection is wrong.
If constant b1-02 (reference selection) is set to 0 (Digital Operator), the motor will not operate when an exter-
nal operation signal is input. Set b1-02 to 1 (control circuit terminal) and try again.
Similarly, the motor will also not operate if the LOCAL/REMOTE Key has been pressed to switch to Digital
Operator operation. In that case press the LOCAL/REMOTE Key* again to return to the original setting.
A 3-wire sequence is in effect.
The input method for a 3-wire sequence is different than when operating by forward/stop and reverse/stop (2-
wire sequence). When 3-wire sequence is set, the motor will not operate even when an input terminal suitable
for forward run/stop and reverse run/stop is turned ON.
When using a 3-wire sequence, refer to the timing chart and input the proper signals.
When using a 2-wire sequence, set the multi-function input terminal (H1-01 through H1-10, terminals S3 to
S11) to a value other than 0.
The frequency reference is too low.
If the frequency reference is set below the frequency set in E1-09 (Minimum Output Frequency), the Inverter
will not operate. Raise the frequency reference to at least the minimum output frequency.
There is a multi-function analog input setting error.
If multi-function analog inputs H3-05 (Multi-function Analog Input Terminal A3 Selection) and H3-09
(Multi-function Analog Input Terminal A2 Selection) are set to 1 (frequency gain), and if no voltage (current)
is input, then the frequency reference will be zero. Check to be sure that the set value and analog input value
are correct.
The Inverter does not operate.
When the motor does not operate, and there is no fault or alarm indication, check the items listed below to find
the cause and take corrective action.
The LOCAL/REMOTE Key is enabled by setting o2-01 to 1 and disabled by setting o2-01 to 2. It is enabled
when the drive mode is entered.
Table 7.7 Troubleshooting when Motor Does Not Operate
Probable Causes
Corrective Actions
Run command is not sent.
Inverter does not operate if a Run command
is not sent.
If the indicator on the RUN Key is not lit,
the Run Command is not sent. Input the
Run Command.
The operation method
selection is wrong.
b1-02 has to be set according to the Run
Command input method to be used.
0: Digital Operator
1: Control circuit terminal (factory setting)
2: MEMOBUS communications
3: Option board
4: Pulse train input
Set b1-02 according to the Run Command
input method to be used.
The frequency reference is
too low.
The frequency reference has to be set above
the frequency set in E1-09 (Minimum Out-
put Frequency).
If the indicator on the STOP Key is flash-
ing, check the frequency reference moni-
tor (U1-01) and set the frequency
reference above the frequency set in E1-