Revision 1.1
WebSwitch™ Users Manual
sensor comes from the factory with a unique, non-changeable address. When the sensors tab is
selected (or the Refresh List button is pressed), WebSwitch Plus™ scans the bus for sensors. The
addresses of the sensors that are found on the bus are listed in the drop-down list. For each sensor
number (Sensor 1... Sensor 3), select the address of the appropriate sensor from the drop-down list.
Selecting sensors is simplest when the sensors are connected to the bus one at a time. The
procedure is to start with one sensor and associate it with the appropriate sensor number by
selecting the sensor address within the appropriate drop-down list. Submit the page, connect a
second sensor, and press the Refresh List button. Associate the second sensor to the appropriate
sensor number. Continue this procedure until all sensors are set up.
Alarm 1
This setting is used to set the trigger point for an alarm condition. The number field specifies the
temperature/humidity at which the alarm is triggered. The “High” and “Low” radio buttons indicate
whether the alarm is triggered as a high or low alarm. A high alarm is triggered when the sensor
reading exceeds the alarm value, and a low alarm is occurs when the sensor reading falls below the
alarm value.
Alarm 2
This is a second alarm trigger that works similar to Alarm 1.
This option sets the deadband used when evaluating alarm conditions. Deadband prevents alarms
from triggering excessively when the sensor measurement vacillates quickly around the set point
due to normal fluctuations. Deadband on high alarms requires the measurement to fall below the
high alarm point minus the deadband before the high alarm can be triggered again. Likewise the
deadband on the lower alarm requires the measurement to rise above the low alarm point plus the
deadband before the low alarm can be triggered again For example, if the deadband is set to 1
degree, and a high alarm is to occur at 95 degrees, the dead band ensures that once the high alarm
is triggered, it won't go off until the temperature return below 94 degrees (95 – 1). This reduces
problems with small fluctuations in sensor readings triggering multiple alarms.
Xytronix Research & Design, Inc.
Figure 2.4l - Alarm Deadband