Revision 1.1
WebSwitch™ Users Manual
Email Option
Simple email messages can be sent in response to alarm conditions. This parameter is used to
specify what alarm conditions, if any, will cause email messages to be sent. Note that email
notification will work only if email is correctly setup in the
setup page.
-No Email Messages
No email messages will be sent due to alarm conditions.
Send Email on Alarm 1
: Email notifications will be sent due to Alarm 1 conditions.
Send Email on Alarm 2
Email notifications will be sent due to Alarm 2 conditions.
Send Email on Alarm 1 and Alarm 2
Email notifications will be sent due to Alarm 1 or Alarm 2
Send Email on Alarm 1, Alarm 2, and Normal
Email notifications will be sent due to Alarm 1,
Alarm 2, or when Normal conditions are regained.
Use Email Address
If email messages are to be sent out based on alarm conditions, these check boxes specify to which
email addresses the message will be sent. Email address specified on the
setup tab will be
shown next to each check box.
Remote Services/SNMP
This field specifies the action with a remote server due to an alarm condition.
-No Action:
No action is taken.
-Send State Msg/Trap:
An event string will be sent to the remote server.
For more information regarding the event string or other commands, see
Appendix D
External Server
and Remote Services
The second drop down box specifies the conditions that will cause an alarm trigger. The following
alarm conditions are available:
-Alarm 1
The specified action occurs due to Alarm 1.
-Alarm 2:
The specified action occurs due to Alarm 2.
-Alarm 1
or Alarm 2
The specified action occurs due to Alarm 1 or Alarm 2.
Xytronix Research & Design, Inc.