Revision 1.1
WebSwitch™ Users Manual
2.4.2 Network Tab
The network parameters are set on this page. Note that if multiple ControlByWeb™ products are used
on the same network, install one at a time and set the IP address of each unit before connecting the next
unit to the network. This avoids having multiple devices being installed on the network with the same
factory default IP address at the same time. It may be necessary to clear the 'arp' cache each time you
swap ControlByWeb™ products on the network (this is because each unit has the same default IP
address, but a different MAC address). This is done by typing "arp -d" in the command prompt of a
Windows computer
sudo arp -d -a
as a super user in the terminal of Mac OS X).
Note: WebSwitch™ must be power-cycled (power disconnected, then reconnected) before network
settings take effect. Only the settings on the Network tab require power-cycling before taking effect.
Xytronix Research & Design, Inc.
Figure 2.4b- Network Tab