Revision 1.1
WebSwitch™ Users Manual
Upload BASIC Script
This field displays the script selected to be uploaded to the device. To upload a script to WebSwitch
Plus™, click the 'Choose File' button, find the .txt file previously written, and select 'Open.' The
location of the file should appear in the neighboring field. To upload the script to the unit, select
Run Script
This option selects whether or not the selected script will be run after it has been uploaded. The
Submit button must be clicked to run the script.
External Variables
External Variables are variables that can be used in BASIC scripts. They are called External
Variables because their values can be changed externally to the BASIC script using xml requests, or
through the
Control Page
. This allows basic scripts to react to user input. These variables are
considered to be floating point numbers just like the other variables in the BASIC script.
The following page is displayed when configuring External Variables:
External Variable
This drop down menu offers the option to configure each of the five External Variables.
Display State
Checking this box will display the state of the selected External Variable on the
Control Page
Xytronix Research & Design, Inc.
Figure 2.4p- External Variable Configuration