CAN FD v2.0
PG223 December 5, 2018
Chapter 1:
Transmission of ACK
Bit rate switching
• Bit timing functions
• Error detection and signaling
• Recognition of an overload condition and reaction
Licensing and Ordering
It is required to have a valid Bosch CAN FD protocol license before selling a device
containing the Xilinx CAN FD IP core.
License Checkers
If the IP requires a license key, the key must be verified. The Vivado
design tools have
several license checkpoints for gating licensed IP through the flow. If the license check
succeeds, the IP can continue generation. Otherwise, generation halts with error. License
checkpoints are enforced by the following tools:
• Vivado synthesis
• Vivado implementation
• write_bitstream (Tcl command)
IP license level is ignored at checkpoints. The test confirms a valid license exists. It does
not check IP license level.
License Type
The core is provided under the terms of the CAN FD LogiCORE™ IP License Agreement for
obtaining a CAN FD license.
For more information, visit the
Information about other Xilinx LogiCORE IP modules is available at the
page. For information on pricing and availability of other Xilinx LogiCORE IP
modules and tools, contact your