Most control systems will fall back to transmisng Art-Net DMX packets only once every one or two
seconds unless universe data is acAvely changing, in which case the Art-Net Timeout must be set for
1000-2500ms. Improved safety can be achieved by enabling conAnuous Art-net output. Some control
systems support this as a toggle opAon in their output configuraAon. On other systems conAnuous
output can be achieved by assigning an unused dimmer or other device with a conAnuously running
effect to the desired universe.
Auto Source SelecAon
This system supports automaAc control source selecAon among DMX, sACN, and Art-Net. To enable
automaAc source selecAon, set System > Control Source to Auto. In this mode, a direct DMX connecAon
will override both Art-Net and sACN, and sACN will override Art-Net. In all cases, all control sources are
subject to the parameters (Ameout, packet threshold, etc) configured in their respecAve menus. Art-Net
and sACN sources always use the universes assigned in their respecAve menus.
The Skywriter HPX M-5, M-10, and M-20 models have 15 different operaAng personaliAes. All
personaliAes consist of a set of “Master” channels followed by 1-4 “Advanced Builder” channel sets or
1-6 “Basic Builder” channel sets. Each of the Master, Basic Builder, and Advanced Builder channel sets
are designed to be patched as individual fixtures in your control system. Master and Basic Builder
profiles are available for most control systems. Advanced Builder profiles are available on select control
systems that have the capacity to display the large number of unique channels.