Power VariaAons
Laser systems o]en exhibit minor variaAons in power level between units, especially between systems of
different ages. X-Laser systems are built to match from unit to unit within a small tolerance that is
usually not noAceable. VariaAons within that tolerance are not considered a defect, even if they may be
noAceable in certain applicaAons. Contact X-Laser before purchasing if you require more closely
matched systems.
General Guidelines for Safe Laser Use
This product is a powerful laser device intended to be operated by professionals. The major concern with
professional laser systems is to avoid human contact with the laser beam and to create a safe area where
patrons and staff can enjoy your light show. Please observe the following guidelines when using your X-
Laser product:
Safe Zoning
Laser effects should only be projected in areas away from people and flammable materials and free of
surfaces that may reflect laser beams towards people. People should be prevented from entering those
projecAon zones at all Ames. If at any point a person enters the projecAon zone or for any reason any
laser leaves the projecAon zone the laser display should be immediate terminated.
Prevent Mishaps
As a laser light show operator you have a responsibility to reasonably foresee circumstances where
condiAons could present a safety risk to people. This means that you must make sure all laser units are
properly aimed via your show programming and securely mounted to prevent shi]ing during operaAon,
physically blocked to prevent radiaAon spill or reflecAon into safe areas, and securely mounted. To
ensure that these condiAons are met properly, trained employees should be the only ones rigging or
operaAng X-Laser products.
Means of TerminaAon
Always provide primary and backup means of terminaAng the laser output in case of emergency. For
example, DMX control as well as a remote etherStop pendant for the Skywriter HPX series. Always test
both primary and backup means of terminaAon before every performance.
Warning: DMX distribuAon or network control equipment that implements a “last look hold” feature is
not a reliable means of terminaAon. Such equipment may conAnue to provide a control signal that
causes laser emission a]er a terminaAon command from or even the total failure of the main control
Service and Maintenance
Because there are no user serviceable parts inside of this product, the outer case should never be
opened by the user. To ensure proper safe operaAon in demonstraAons and performances, immediately
disconAnue use of this product if you noAce or suspect that any part of the laser is not funcAoning
properly. A]er any repair, service, or modificaAon, this product must be cerAfied by the manufacturer to
comply with US Federal requirements for laser demonstraAon equipment. In case of any malfuncAon,
contact X-Laser or your dealer for an RMA number and we will repair the unit to bring it back into
working operaAon and US Federal compliance.