Repair and Return InformaAon
Product RegistraAon
Register Your Product: You must first register your X-Laser product at
warranty.fwx to acAvate your warranty. Failure to do so may result in loss of warranty
Return Material AuthorizaAon (RMA) and Shipping
PLEASE NOTE: All returns will incur a $50 bench fee which will be waived if a) the
product is repaired under warranty, b) the client elects to repair an out of warranty unit,
or c) the unit is beyond repair and is disposed of with the client’s authorizaAon. The
bench fee covers an iniAal evaluaAon, basic internal cleaning and basic alignment and
Please first contact X-Laser for an RMA number. Our support team will most likely spend
a few minutes trying to diagnose the issue over the phone to find the fastest resoluAon
for you. If the laser needs to be returned, you will be given an RMA number and a URL to
complete the RMA process. All informaAon you will need to return your laser is noted on
the RMA web site. Upon compleAon of the online RMA form, a PDF with shipping
instrucAons will appear.
Return shipping instrucAons will be located on the PDF form that pops up a]er you have
completed and submi6ed the online RMA form. Follow shipping, packaging, and
insurance instrucAons. X-Laser is not responsible for any shipping damages by shipper
and/or poor client packaging.
Shipping within ConAnental USA
X-Laser pays return FedEx ground shipping to the customer for warranty and DOA repairs
only. Out of warranty work shipping is paid by user in both direcAons. Faster shipping
will incur an extra shipping fee.
Shipping outside ConAnental USA
X-Laser pays for FedEx return ground shipping to the customer or freight forwarder
within conAnental USA for warranty or DOA repairs only. Out of warranty work shipping
is paid by user in both direcAons. Shipping costs for parts, if approved by X-Laser, are
paid by client. Faster shipping will incur an extra shipping fee.
Out of Warranty Repairs
X-Laser will evaluate the product and contact the user for repair authorizaAon. Payment
must be remi6ed by credit card or PayPal prior to service. Costs for repair are based on
product model. Products not authorized for repair will be returned at user's expense.
Following first request for repair authorizaAon, a storage fee per month will be assessed.
A]er sixty days product will be considered abandoned and disassembled.
General NoAficaAon
X-Laser at X-Laser's sole discreAon reserves the right to:
Change this policy without prior noAficaAon;