Check the refresh rate sesngs on your control
system. By default, this system must receive an
ArtDMX packet at least once every 2000ms to
maintain output
Check the Art-Net system for intermi6ent failures
or marginal condiAons that may be resulAng in
DMX packet loss.
If Art-Net status indicates “Timeout!” . . .
Verify that your Art-Net cabling is properly
connected and that the network signal is
propagaAng to the laser's posiAon in the network.
The Link/Act light on the etherStop port on the
laser should illuminate green and flash amber on
receiving any network traffic.
If your controller supports Art-Net discovery, verify
that the laser is detected. Otherwise, use an Art-
Net discovery tool to verify that the laser is
Verify that the laser’s IP address and subnet mask
are correct for your control network.
Verify that the laser’s Art-Net universe is configured
to match the controller’s sesngs. The laser will
only recognize ArtDMX packets directed to the
universe for which it is configured.
Verify that there is no network equipment (routers,
filters, firewalls, etc) between the controller and
the laser that may be blocking Art-Net signals.
Check the refresh rate sesngs on your control
system. By default, this system must receive an
ArtDMX packet at least once every 100ms to
maintain output
Check the network system for intermi6ent failures
or marginal condiAons that may be resulAng in
ArtDMX packet loss.
If Art-Net status indicates “Ready” . . .
Refer to the secAon above for troubleshooAng DMX
mode. All of the DMX sesngs and troubleshooAng
steps apply to Art-Net as well.
. . . in all modes
Check that the system status screen shows that the
Laser Status is “Enabled”. If any others status is
shown, refer to the manual on the Mercury system
and the etherStop interface for guidance.