Safety NoAces
Failure to follow the above precauAons and other precauAons contained in this user manual, parAcularly
with regard to human exposure to laser radiaAon and electrical safety, may result in serious injury, loss of
vision, electric shock, skin damage, and death. Please refer to the secAon on safe laser projector usage
later in this manual for more detailed operaAon guidelines. Always be mindful that Class 3B and 4 lasers
shoot potenAally hazardous radiaAon at the speed of light. They should be handled and operated with
care and cauAon.
This equipment should only be set up and operated by qualified personnel and under the supervision of a
qualified Laser Safety Officer.
Do not expose the human eye directly or indirectly to focused or sca6ered laser radiaAon as loss of vision,
complete blindness, and/or other serious injuries may result. Lasers are capable of starAng fires at great
distances. Do not use around flammable materials.
This fixture is NOT intended for audience scanning effects. Operators must ensure that the primary laser
beam and any reflected beams remain in designated safe areas only. Please refer to the terms of your
specific FDA variance for verAcal and lateral separaAon requirements. In most cases, to prevent human
access to the laser beam all beams are required to pass no closer than 3m (10].) above any surface upon
which someone can stand.
Always ensure that the fixture is mounted securely to prevent accidental beam shi]s.
Always ensure that the main power supply is properly grounded before use. Do not use an ungrounded
power cable with this fixture.
Always provide both a primary and backup means of instantly terminaAng laser emissions.
Always test your means of terminaAon before every performance.
DO NOT USE this fixture if you suspect that it contains a defect of any kind due to manufacturing, damage,
general wear or if the fixture has a broken manufacturer’s seal. Return the fixture to the factory for service
and/or maintenance immediately.
DO NOT EVER allow lasers to enter airspace or hit aircra].
10. This unit should never be le] una6ended while operaAonal and should always be disconnected from both
signal and power while being transported, rigged, de-rigged, cleaned, or when a qualified operator is not
present. We also recommend removing the key from your etherStop pendant to prevent unwanted
acAvaAon by untrained users.
11. Do not stand in front of the laser while acAve. All persons should wear protecAve eyewear while rigging,
maintaining, or otherwise working with the laser.
12. There are NO user serviceable parts inside of the fixture. Opening the outer casing may result in radiaAon
exposure. Any modificaAons to the fixture are prohibited, may be dangerous, and require recerAficaAon
by the manufacturer to maintain compliance with US Federal regulaAons.
13. Service operaAons other than those described in this manual must be carried out only by a qualified
technician in accordance with manufacturer’s specified procedures.