Control Groups
The Mercury laser control system in your Skywriter HPX M-5 laser is simplified by breaking the control up
into groups relevant to different features of the system. These control groups are:
1. Master Group
2. Builder Main Group
3. Color Group
4. Intensity Effect Group
5. Prism Control Group
6. Geometric Pre Group (advanced builder only) and Geometric Post group
7. MoAon Macro Group (basic builder only)
8. Wave Effect 1 group (advanced builder only)
9. Wave Effect 2 group (advanced builder only)
10. MoAon Effect 1 group (advanced builder only)
11. MoAon Effect 2 group (advanced builder only)
Master Group
is the enArety of the Master Fixture and consists of the Enable funcAon, Master
Maximum Intensity, Master X/Y scale and offset.
Builder Main Group
is where the gobo wheels and overall intensity controls are located in the basic
and advanced builders. There are also a few reserved channels for future expansion. It’s important to
note the maximum intensity in this group will never exceed the Intensity set in the Master fixture.
Color Group
contains RGB1 and RGB2 color pickers in both builder modes, preset color macros in the
basic builder and a wide range of color tools in the advanced builder. For more informaAon on the
different color effects possible with advanced builders, please visit
Intensity Effect group
is not yet acAve but will be pre6y damn cool when it is.
Prism Control group
is where the digital prism and its parameters are accessed. At the Ame of this
wriAng there are 11 different digital prisms built into the system. AddiAonal channels control the X and Y
spacing of the prisms and the rotaAon across the facets. The rotaAon parameter is an incremental
rotaAon applied to each successive prism element. For example, if the prism inner rotaAon is set to 5°,
the first element will be rotated 0°, the second 5°, the third 10°, and so on. To rotate the enAre prism,
select rotaAon or spin from the geometric post group. To rotate the individual facets of the prism, select
rotaAon or spin from the geometric pre group.
geometric pre and post groups
are the largest departure from more tradiAonal intelligent lighAng
fixtures. The basic builder only has access to the Geometric Post group, this provides access to X and Y
scale (zoom), X and Y posiAon (pan and Alt), Z rotaAon (gobo indexing) and Z Spin (gobo rotaAon). The
“Post” refers to these parameters happening a]er the prism modifier. For example, with a 1x3 linear
prism on a circle gobo, a Z spin would spin the enAre array of circles.