You may hang or otherwise mount your new X-Laser product in any suitable orientaAon provided the
requirements of this guide and all other applicable rules and regulaAons are observed. Before every
show, verify that the programming and hard beam blocks are suitable for the applicaAon, especially if
you have changed the orientaAon of the laser or if you are operaAng it in a new environment.
Safe Beam and ProjecAon Height
Most US FDA variances require that all beams be kept at least 3 meters (10 feet) above any surface upon
which your audience can stand. Refer to your variance for required verAcal and lateral safety distances.
Performers and trained personal MAY be exempt from these safety distances at the discreAon of a
qualified Laser Safety Officer who may be able to implement an alternaAve radiaAon safety plan.
Example of a safe projecAon, 3 meters above the dance floor