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This controls the speaker and headphone output level for the entire mix.
controls left/right levels for the stereo mixes. By default, it controls
loudspeaker and headphone output, though other options may be set in the Web
GUI preferences.
Adjust / Aux Volume
: Turning this control right or left moves a light yellow
selection box from channel to channel on the metering screen. Pressing this control
solos the selected channel and surrounds its meter with a blue selection box. If a
muted channel is selected with this control, it is unmuted and soloed. Touching the
meter area anywhere or pressing the
knob again removes the channel solo
and resumes the audio selections made before the channel solo operation.
USB 2.0 Port
: This USB Type A connector allows you to use a flash drive (not
supplied) to perform software updates and copy system configurations to another
iAM-VIDEO or to a PC. Software updates are accomplished from the Web GUI.
Video Display
: The selected SDI or MPEG video signal is monitored on this screen.
A variety of other informational video displays can appear along with the monitored
video. This is set up using the iAM-VIDEO Web GUI interface.
Level Meter Display
: High resolution bar graph meters appear here showing the
levels of up to 16 channels selected for monitoring. These are grouped into clusters
as specified in the Web GUI: mono clusters (1.0), pair clusters (2.0), or surround
sound clusters (5.1 or 7.1). This screen will respond to touch control of audio Mute,
Un-Mute and Solo. Access to the Menu screens is also available on this screen. The
meter display is temporarily replaced when menu access is needed. These menus
are used for a limited amount of setup and status display. The large majority of
setup functions are performed using the Web GUI.
: This indicator lights green when the system is powered and ready for use.
A solid or blinking yellow color indicates that the product is starting up.
Rear Panel
The rear panel is shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2: iAM-VIDEO Rear Panel Layout
Power Connection
The iAM-VIDEO uses an external AC to 18V DC