Type matic De lay
When type matic rate set ting is en abled, this op tion speci fies the time in mil li sec onds bef ore auto-
repeat be gins. The sup ported val ues are :
250 mS
500 mS
750 mS
1000 mS
Se cu rity Op tion
This op tion al lows you to limit ac cess to the sys tem and setup, or just to setup. The choices are :
Sys tem - The sys tem will not boot and ac cess will be de nied if the cor rect pass word is not en tered
at the prompt.
Setup - The sys tem will boot, but ac cess to Setup will be de nied if the cor rect pass word is not en tered
at the prompt.
NOTE : To dis able se cu rity, se lect “Pass word Set ting” at the Setup Main Menu and then you will
be asked to en ter a pass word. Do not type any thing, just hit EN TER. Once the se cu rity is dis abled, the
sys tem will boot and you can en ter Setup freely.
Shad ow ing Op tions
When shad ow ing for a par ticu lar ad dress range is en abled, it in structs the BIOS to copy the BIOS
lo cated in ROM into DRAM. This shad ow ing from an 8- bit EPROM into fast 32- bit DRAM re sults in a
Multi- magnitude in crease in per form ance. The main BIOS is shad owed auto mati cally but there are
other ar eas that may be se lected for shad ow ing as shown here :
Video BIOS Shadow - C000- C7FFF EGA/VGA BIOS ROM
C8000- CFFFF
D0000- D7FFF
D8000- DFFFF
SSD Socket Re lo ca tion
The LBC- Plus sup ports an op tional BIOS ex ten sion ROM in U27. This fea ture was im ple mented
pri mar ily to sup port net work boot ROMs but can be used for other pur poses by knowl edge able users.
Only 128K X 8 de vices (27C010 type) are sup ported, al though only 32K of the de vice may be used
for code. The board is con fig ured for the DOC mode as docu mented in the SSD con figu ra tion sec tion of
this man ual. This setup op tion al lows for the BIOS ex ten sion to be lo cated at any of sev eral ad dresses as
shown here :
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