The disk is now pre pared for for mat ting. The sys tem must be re booted prior to for mat ting with the
sim ple DOS com mand :
for mat b: /s/u
Af ter the next re set the for mat ted sili con disk will boot as the A: drive. If it is ever nec es sary to by -
pass the sili con disk boot in or der to re for mat or to boot the ac tual floppy drive, or the hard disk, sim ply
press the <CTRL><ALT><LSHIFT> keys si mul ta ne ously im me di ate ly fol low ing dis play of the BIOS
con figu ra tion BOX. The mes sage :
Sili con Disk Boot Aborted by User
will be dis played and the sys tem will boot from one of the avail able boot drives.
IM POR TANT NOTE : The FLASH DISK is fully write able at all times but is not rec om mended
for con tinu ous up dat ing or data log ging. The on board BIOS im ple ments a sim ple FAT based file sys
tem (iden ti cal to a floppy disk) with no wear lev el ing im ple mented. The PEROMs can and will wear
out with ex ces sive write cy cles. AT MEL speci fies at least 10,000 write cy cles.
Non-Bootable RAMDISK Usage
A non boota ble RAM DISK is of ten de sired in con junc tion with a boota ble ROM DISK, FLASH -
DISK, or ro ta tional me dia. It can then be used for pro gram up dates, pa rame ter stor age, or data log ging
ap pli ca tions. a non- bootable RAM DISK uses the Win Sys tems Uni ver sal Solid State Disk Driver
(USSD) which is loaded via the boot me dia's CON FIG.SYS file with the en try :
de vice = ussd.sys /mod:p /pad:1ec /seg:e400 /psz:16 /inc:1 /spg:xx /dsz:yy
where the YYY in /DSZ:YYY is the size of the disk in Ki lo bytes and the XXX in the /SPG:XXX is
the start ing page ad dress in the ar ray for this sili con disk. This hexa deci mal value is ac tu ally the count of
16K byte blocks pre ced ing the start of the RAM DISK. The sim plest ap proach is to use the ta ble be low
to de ter mine the cor rect /SPG value.
/SPG Value
Prior to this socket
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