LBC- PLUS Tech ni cal Ref er ence
In tro duc tion
This sec tion of the man ual is in tended to pro vide suf fi cient in for ma tion re gard ing the con figu ra tion
and us age of the LBC-Plus board. Win Sys tems main tains a Tech ni cal Sup port group to help an swer
ques tions re gard ing con figu ra tion, us age, or pro gram ming of the board. For an swers to ques tions not
ade quately ad dressed in this man ual, con tact Tech ni cal Sup port at (817) 274- 7553 be tween
8AM and
5PM Cen tral Time.
ALI 1487/1489 Chipset
The LBC-Plus util izes the ALI FINALI- 486 Chipset which pro vides a highly- integrated, high-
performance back bone for full PC/AT com pati bil ity. The Chipset con tains the logic for DRAM and bus
state con trol as well as the stan dard com ple ment of 'AT' class pe riph er als, in clud ing :
8 DMA Chan nels com pati ble with PC/AT 8237A DMA con trol lers
15 in ter rupt in puts com pati ble with mas ter/slaved 8259 in ter rupt con trol lers
Three 8254 com pati ble timer/coun ter chan nels
A PC- AT com pati ble real time clock/cal en dar with CMOS RAM
A PCI BUS IDE in ter face
A PC/AT com pati ble key board in ter face
These func tional units are 100% PC/AT com pati ble and are sup ported by the AWARD BIOS and
setup. Us ers de sir ing to ac cess these in ter nal pe riph er als di rectly should ref er to any manu fac tur ers ge -
neric lit era ture on the equiva lent dis crete com po nent.
There are a number of in ter nal reg is ters within the Finali- 486 chipset that are used by the BIOS for
con trol and con figu ra tion. Ref er to the I/O map in Ap pen dix A for port us age to avoid con flicts when
add ing ex ter nal I/O de vices.
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