Non-Bootable FLASHDISK Usage
The AT MEL 5 Volt Flash Parts (29C040/29C040A) may also be used as a non boota ble drive in a
man ner nearly iden ti cal to the RAM DISK us age de scribed in the pre vious sec tion. The only change
when us ing USSD for the AT MEL PEROMs is the ad di tion of the /EPT:256 pa rame ter to the CON
FIG.SYS line which in stalls the USSD driver. An ex am ple us ing a 512K EPROM for a ROM DISK and
a 512K PEROM de vice would need the line :
de vice = ussd.sys /mod:p /pad:1ec /seg:e400 /psz:16 /inc:1 /spg:a0 /dsz:512 /ept:256
in the CON FIG.SYS file on the floppy to be im aged. This in vo ca tion will cre ate a 512K Flash disk
in the sec ond socket of the ar ray. Ref er to the pre vious sec tion on non- bootable RAM DISK us age for
ad di tional de tails re gard ing the USSD driver.
DiskOnChip Usage
The LBC- Plus sup ports the M- Systems DISK- ON- CHIP (DOC) flash de vice in sizes rang ing from
1MB to 12MB. The DOC de vice con tains a BIOS ex ten sion, the TFFS (Tiny Flash File Sys tem), and
the Flash mem ory all in a sin gle 32- pin de vice. The DOC, un like the other Win Sys tems’ SSD sup port
for the LBC- Plus, emu lates a hard disk rather than a floppy disk. The DOC can be used as a sec on dary
hard disk to a physi cal IDE drive or it can be the only hard disk in the sys tem.
The DOC is in stalled into the socket at U23. Ref er to the sec tion 2.19 for cor rect de vice jump er ing
and ena bling of the DOC.
DOC Initialization
The DOC is ini tial ized in an iden ti cal fash ion to a fixed disk. DOS is booted (from floppy or hard
disk), FDISK is run on the DOC drive (be sure to get the right drive), the sys tem is re booted and then the
DOC is for mat ted us ing the DOS for mat com mand.
If the /S switch was used dur ing for mat ting and there is no other fixed disk de vice speci fied or at -
tached to the sys tem the DOC will be come the boot de vice. If a hard disk is pres ent, the DOC will be
come a sec on dary fixed disk.
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