SET_BIT - Set the speci fied I/O Bit
Syn tax
void set_bit(int bit_number);
De scrip tion
This func tion takes a sin gle ar gu ment :
bit_number - a value be tween 1 and 48 speci fy ing the port bit to be set.
This func tion sets the speci fied I/O port bit. Note that set ting a bit re sults in the I/O pin ac tu ally go
ing low. There is no re turn value and other bits in the same I/O port are un af fected.
CLR_BIT - Clear the speci fied I/O Bit
Syn tax
void clr_bit(int bit_number);
De scrip tion
This func tion takes a sin gle ar gu ment :
bit_number - a value from 1 to 48 in di cates the bit number to clear.
This func tion clears the speci fied I/O bit. Note that clear ing the I/O bit re sults in the ac tual I/O pin
go ing high. This func tion does not af fect any bits other than the one speci fied.
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