Com pati ble Vs. En hanced Mode
The NE2000 sec tion uses two 32K byte buffer RAMs on board. In com pati ble mode, only 8K of
each RAM (to tal of 16K) is ac ces si ble to the driver. When the En hanced mode is cho sen the full 32K is
avail able from each RAM. This en hanced mode is gen er ally sup ported by the sup plied AT/LAN TIC
driv ers but may not be us able with ge neric NE2000 soft ware or driv ers. When in doubt, choose the
com pati ble mode. The J35 jump er ing for the com pati ble and en hanced modes are shown here :
Status LEDs
There are 4 LEDs in stalled on the LBC-Plus used to give a vis ual in di ca tion of Eth er net status. The
color, lo ca tion, and gen eral de scrip tion of each LED is given here :
D3 RED Col li sion
D4 GREEN Trans mit
D5 GREEN Re ceiver
Boot ROM Se lec tion
The LBC- Plus sup ports the use of the re mote boot fea ture avail able from NOVELL, QNX, and
some other op er at ing sys tems by al low ing pro vi sions for a user in stalled BIOS ex ten sion ROM into
U23. Only a 27C010 EPROM de vice is sup ported in this mode al though only 32K is avail able for the
code. If the BIOS ex ten sion is sup plied in a smaller de vice it will have to be re pro grammed into a
27C010 de vice. In or der to use this BIOS ex ten sion, the board must be con fig ured for the DOC mode.
(See sec tion 2.19 for de tails). It is also pos si ble to se lect the ad dress where the BIOS ROM will ap pear
by con fig ur ing the SSD Socket Re lo ca tion op tion in the BIOS fea tures menu of CMOS Setup.
NOTE : The Eth er net BOOT ROM sup port and on board SSD sup port are mu tu ally ex clu sive, only
one or the other may be used. Con tact Win Sys tems for boards that sup port this fea ture.
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Com pati ble Mode
En hanced Mode