In tro duc tion
The LBC- Plus uses a third gen era tion CRT/Flat panel VGA con trol ler. It sup ports stan dard VGA
out put as well as a va ri ety of Flat Panel Dis plays us ing op tional Flat Panel Adapter (FPA) mod ules. The
video on the LBC-Plus uses the Chips and Tech nolo gies 6554X se ries of high per form ance VGA con -
trol lers. The C&T con trol ler sup ports stan dard and Super- VGA modes as well as Color and Mono -
chrome pan els with 8,9,12,15,16,18, and 24- bit in ter faces. Win Sys tems pro vides flat panel sup port
through a se ries of FPA (Flat Panel Adapter) mod ules. Con tact your Win Sys tems Ap pli ca tions En gi
neer for the most cur rent list of avail able FPAs and sup ported pan els.
De tails re gard ing in ter fac ing to spe cific Flat Pan els is not pro vided in this man ual but should be ref -
er enced in the docu men ta tion ac com pa ny ing the FPA mod ule. At tempted con nec tion to any flat panel
not di rectly sup ported by a Win Sys tems FPA mod ule is at the user's risk and ex treme care should be ex -
er cised to avoid dam ag ing or de stroy ing the panel.
HAZ ARD WARN ING : LCD pan els can re quire a high volt age for the panel back light. This high-
frequency volt age can ex ceed 1000 volts and can pres ent a shock haz ard. Care should be taken when
wir ing or han dling the inverter out put. To avoid dan ger of shock and to avoid dam ag ing frag ile and ex -
pen sive pan els, make all con nec tion changes with power re moved.
VGA BIOS ROM Type Se lec tion
The LBC- Plus comes stan dard with a video BIOS ex pan sion ROM popu lated at U15. Vari ous
ROM sizes can be used to sup port a va ri ety of flat panel con figu ra tions each need ing its own BIOS im -
age. The FPA adapter mod ules, when con nected to J33, auto mati cally se lect the cor rect BIOS im age for
the panel fam ily the FPA sup ports. The fac tory will or di nar ily con fig ure the BIOS ROM for the size
pro vided but the il lus tra tion be low shows the proper jump er ing of J20 for the sup ported ROM sizes.
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